Make You Feel My Love

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a/n I got this from an asa butterfield one shot  soooo yeah creds to her


I was getting ready to go to bed when my phone began ringing.

"hello?" I said sleepily, "*your name*?" Brooklyn cried, "oh my god what happened? why are you crying?" I asked him, suddenly concerned. "sh-she broke up with m-me" he croaked through the tears evidently falling from his eyes. "you want me to go over there?" I offered, "no no no I don't want to trouble you, hearing your voice is enough to calm me down" he said through the phone, making me blush. I've liked Brooklyn for a while now.I couldn't handle the thought of ruining our friendship if I told him. "so what do you want me to do?" I asked him, getting into bed, "sing to me" he requested. "omg no you know I don't sing" I scoffed, "okay then, just tell me stories" "okay then" I paused trying to think of something, "oh remember the time when we did that public prank where you just collapsed on the floor and people thought you were dying and someone actually called the hospital? and when you had to explain that it was a prank and the person who called looked like she wanted to kill you? oh or that time when Harper got lost and you started panicking and we went around your village asking random people if they've seen her, and when we got home you were so worried because you just lost your baby sister, then she pops out from under the bed and gives you a heart attack? or that time when we went to the park and this entire crowd of fans spotted you and started chasing you? I ended up chasing you all the way to the mall that was really far away from your house. you had to hide in the girls bathroom till they left. remember those?" I paused, waiting for an answer. "hello?" he must've fell asleep. "well, since your asleep, I guess I can sing to you because you can't hear me" I laughed as I began singing along with the stereo.

(start playing Make You Feel My Love by Adele + put it on loop for the rest of the chapter)

when the rain is blowing in your face
and the whole world is on your case

I could offer you a warm embrace
to make you feel my love

when the evening shadows
and the stars appear,
and there is no one there to dry your tears,

I could hold you for a million years
to make you feel my love

I know you haven't made your mind up yet
but I would never do you wrong

I've known it from the moment that we met
no doubt in my mind where you belong

I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling down the avenue

no there's nothing that I wouldn't do
to make you feel my love.

the storms are raging on the rolling sea
and on the highway of regret

the winds of change are blowing wild and free
you ain't seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy
make your dreams come true

nothing that I wouldn't do
go to the ends of the earth for you

to make you feel my love
to make you feel my love

I ended with a sigh. "remember the time we went to that party and 5 minuets in we left because they were passing around drugs" I laughed, "and that time when we went to the park at 3:00am and then we left because we heard a sound coming from the woods" I smiled again, hey I can't help it. these memories are hilarious. "and the time when you were drunk and almost kissed me and I thought you liked me back" I frowned, "it was stupid of me to think that"

"no it wasn't" Brooklyn said over the line, giving me a heart attack, "oh my god you were awake?!" I half-screamed. "yeah, and I'm glad I was" he laughed, "oh my god this is so embarrassing-" "no no no it's alright, I actually really like you too" "wait what? I thought you had a-" "girlfriend? I thought I liked her, but then when I looked at her, I just saw her face. but when I look at you, I see home, I see everything I've ever needed and more" he said through the phone, "oh and you better answer the door" "wait what?" as the words left my mouth, a knock sounded on my door.

I walked over to it and opened it, only to find the boy I've been waiting for my whole life. he didn't say anything, he just kissed me. we kissed for exactly 10 seconds.

"well, that's that" I laughed, "would you be my girlfriend?" he asked me, "no" "uhm okay I'll just leave them oh my god uhh-" "I was kidding you nincompoop" I laughed at his embarrassment, "of course I will" and with that, we kissed once more and got into bed.

"I'd do anything in this world to make you feel my love too" he whispered in my ear, before I drifted off to sleep.

to make you feel my love


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