second blow

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"oh come on" I started, "you haven't gone out since that asshole dumped you, you look like a mess, and you're wasting your time moping around!"

"just leave me to be sad" my best friend replied, collapsing into her bed once more, groaning as her face his the pillow.

"I heard Brooklyn is throwing a party at his house, I'm sure he'll want to see you" I winked.

she has liked Brooklyn for a while now but never had the courage to talk to him. I slightly had feelings for him too, but I'd never act on them. how could I ever hurt my best friend like that?

"you think so?" she sparked as her head emerged from the pillow.

"I know so" I laughed, "now come on, we have to get ready"

2 hours later....

after we got ready, my best friend and I grabbed our stuff and left the house.

at the party....

"okay, don't be to clingy. make him interested. make it look like you're having fun without him" I told her, because you can't act so available. people will think you're easy. a girl should be like a butterfly, nice to look at and hard to catch.

we danced around the party till we spotted Brooklyn in the corner, eyeing people that walked by.

my best friend came into his field of vision, but very slyly. she started dancing to the beat of the music as I joined her. I knelt on the ground with my hand up as she twirled around me.

I caught Brooklyn eyeing her up and down, obviously checking her out. I smirked and raised an eyebrow at him before I stood up and started dancing again.

"hey" a low voice came from behind me, "what're you doing a lone?" Brooklyn asked, placing his hand against the wall I was leaning on, right above my head, hovering over me.

"I'm not alone, my best friend is just getting a drink" I replied, pointing at her.

"we'll do you mind if I steal you for a moment?" he requested as his other hand held my hand.

"um I-" I couldn't help but blush as he came closer to me. a part of me just wanted to miss him but the other knew it would crush her.

"who wants to play second blow?!" someone shouted from the kitchen, I took this as a chance to run away.

basically, you place a credit card on your lips and suck in air in order for the card my to fall. you pass it around as if you were kissing but the card was in between the two lips. the goal is for the card to get to the end of the line without it falling.

a bunch of people lined up, including my best friend, Brooklyn, and I.

the card came to my best friend as she passed it to Brooklyn, me, hoping the card fell and they'd kiss. but, to my luck, it didn't. ugh. okay let's get this over wi- oh shit.

oh shit.

his lips crashed on mine as his hands snaked around my waist.

I don't know why, but I just couldn't push him away.

after a few seconds of thinking. I pushed him off.

"Jesus Christ Brooklyn what the hell are you doing?!" I exclaimed as I wiped my lips of the sin I've committed.

"you can't say you didn't enjoy it" he said, trying to kiss me again.

"get off me!" I shoved him so hard he actually fell, as I went searching for my best friend.

I walked for what felt like forever till I heard sobbing coming from the bathroom.

"hey are you in there?" I asked, pressing my ear against the door, praying for an answer.

"no" her voice, faint and small, came through the door.

"just open the door, let me explai-" "explain what?! that you decided to start making out with the guy I liked when we came to this party so that I could be with him?! explain that all you wanted to do was just show me how much better you are than me?! what the fuck do you want to explain?!" she shouted.

"God no! oh my god please just listen to me!-" "no you bitch! I'm done! I thought you were my best friend!" she shoved past me, grabbed her coat, and walked out the door.

I turned around to see Brooklyn almost as stunned as I was.

"you" I said angrily stomping over to him, pushing him against the wall with my fists drawn and ready to throw a punch, "this is all your fault! I lost my best friend because of you!" "you could've stopped me!" as those words left his mouth, my grip on his shirt softened and my fist lowered.

why didn't I stop him?

oh god.

oh my god.

I like Brooklyn.

oh shit.




"why didn't you stop me?" Brooklyn asked again as his feet were finally on the ground.

"I don't know" I said as I combed my fingers through my hair, not knowing what to say.

"I think I do" he smirked, moving closer to me. knowing that it made me blush.

"you like me" "no I don't" I retorted, avoiding eye contact.

"look at me" I just couldn't. he's the reason I lost her. "look. at. me." he said as his fingers guided my head to align with his.

"look me in the eye and tell me you don't like me" he smirked.

nothing came out.

"I knew it" he said as he put his hand down. "it's not your fault" "yes it is" "no it's not" he interrupted.

"we aren't very close but I see the way you treat others. with kindest, compassion, and respect. just by the way you treat others, I already know you're one of the kindest people I know. and that best friend of yours, should know that. she shouldn't let some guy ruin what you have" "you're that guy-" "I'm not finish. you're one of the greatest people I know. and in that's why I like you so much- oh shit" his face went beat red. as he covered his face muttering about how stupid he was to say all of that. but in all honestly, it's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said about me.

"well for whatever it's worth, I like you too" I laughed. "soooo want to go out?" he asked me.

"help me get my best friend back first"

oh yeah and watch the movie clueless this is inspired by one of the scenes there :))

btw the vid above is a scene from clueless and it shows how second blow works so yeah :))

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora