the pocky challenge

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a/n pocky is this biscuit shaped as a stick that's dipped in chocolate

"babe" a voice called out, I shifted my attention to the owner of the voice, who was none other than Brooklyn.

"yeah?" I asked him as I set down the glass of water I was drinking on a near by table.

"want some pocky?" he asked as he brought one out of a red box.

"sure" I said as I was about to take it from him, when he put it between his lips. "what're you doing?" I questioned.

"you have to take it from me using your mouth" he said as he did his best to keep the biscuit in place.

I shrugged my shoulders as I leaned into him, ready to take the stick from him when he suddenly removed the stick and placed his lips on my.

blood rushed to my cheeks as I pulled away, slightly slapping him on the arm.

"I have to admit" I paused, "that was smooth as fuck" I laughed.

"I know" he winked as he handed me the pocky and kissed my cheek.

a/n Brooklyn is smooth af HAHAHA but sorry I haven't been updating, shook is crazy and I haven't had the time :(( so here is some fluff hehe

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora