She Still Loves Him

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a/n this is inspired by Girl Meets World episode 25 I think which is girl meets new year sooo yeah. You really should watch the series, it's amazing :3

Scenario: about a year ago, you spotted Brooklyn in a nearby cafe. You guys started talking and fell in love. You never dated, but the both of you knew about your feelings towards each other. Your best friend saw how much you liked him and stepped back. One day, she confesses her love for Brooklyn to you and you lie to her saying that you love him like a brother. You and your other friend made a deal that on New Year's Eve, you would tell the truth.....

New Year's Eve

*ding dong*

"I got it!" I rushed to the door to find my friend, "hey!" "Hey" he/she replied. "Time is ticking, TICK TICK TICK-" "alright, I'll tell them soon. Just enjoy the party for a while" I interrupted.

*ding dong*

I rushed once again to the door to find the one and only, Brooklyn.

"Hey" he said.

"Hi" I replied. He set his coat on the rack and took a seat beside my best friend. It pains me to see them together. But, she's my best friend and she stepped back for me so why should I not step back for her?

~skip to 5min before new year and you're on the rooftop~

"Hey" my friend greeted me again, "hi" I relied. "You have to tell them, we made a deal. We won't start the new year with a lie" "why would you do this to me?" "I'm doing it for you! I know you would make me do the same" he said before walking off.

I sat alone on a bench, watching my best friend and Brooklyn standing beside each other, staring into each other's eyes. They say the person you're with on New Years is the person you'll be with for that year. So, I'll be all alone... Huh...

~1min till New Year~

It's almost time.

I have to tell them.

But I can't.

She stepped back for me.

After all this time.

She liked him.

She stepped back.

I have to do the same.

"Countdown!" A voice called


I speed walked to the stairs back into the building when I heard the very thing I dreaded to hear.

"She still loves Brooklyn"

Everyone turns to me. All eyes on me....
But the only people that matter right now are my best friend and Brooklyn.

Brooklyn and my best friend looked at each other with guilt in their eyes. I stood in the midst of all the stares, not knowing what to do.

Everyone cleared out, except for Brooklyn and my best friend.

I took a seat at the nearby bench, being followed my my best friend on the opposite end of he bench, with Brooklyn sitting in the middle.

"So... It's midnight" she said.

"Yeah" I replied.

"We're right here" Brooklyn followed.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen" I whispered.

Brooklyn turned to me......

To be continued......

a/n IM TERRIBLE IM SORRY but there will be part 2 :)

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora