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I sat as the counter taking countless orders from customers here in mcdonalds.

I'm only working here for extra money for concert tickets alright don't think I'm broke.

"Hi! welcome to McDonald's how can I help you?" I said perkily to the next customer.

"yeah can I order a Mcflip?" he requested.

"a what?"

"a Mcflip" he repeated. what was he talking about?

"I'm sorry I don't think we carry a mcflip"

"this is a mcflip" he said as he placed his scooted on the counter, jumped on it and did a fucking flip OFF THE DAMN COUNTER AND NOT BREAK HIS NECK AS HE LANDED.

"that's a mcflip" he said, leaning on the counter.

"and?" I laughed at his behavior.

"we're you impressed?" he asked.

"I've seen better" I joked.

"we're you entertained at least?" he questioned.

"yeah" I laughed.

"with that, I humbly ask you out on a date"

"wait what?" I questioned him, I've only known this guy for 5 minuets and he's asking me out?

"I'm Brooklyn Beckham, nice to meet you" he smirked as he held his hand out.

"nice to meet you" I laughed at his gestures.

"so date, tonight, I'll pick you up here at 8:00pm" he winked before scooting his way out of the restaurant, punching his fists in the air in victory.

my day just got McFlipped by a Beckham.


Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora