My Sweet Angel (IBAP 4.0)

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your POV

why did he have to become a priest? of all the things he could be, he chose a priest! did he do it just to get away from me? was he tired of me?

thoughts kept rushing around my head as I walked into my bedroom. I sat on my dresser and looked at the photo of Brooklyn and I the day before the incident. tears infinitely fell from my eyes due to the fact that we could never be together. just looking at his face made me want to scream and cry for the rest of my life. I stood from my dresser and let it all out. my things went flying everywhere as I tried to get a grip of my sanity, but I just couldn't. he's gone. I'll never be able to be with him again. in doing so, I discovered a letter sitting on my bed. I picked up the letter with trembling hands and began ready.

to my sweet angel,
if you're reading this, it means that you're okay. you survived. you're alive. so now you're probably wondering "why is Brooklyn a priest?". here's how it all began:

the night of the incident, you were rushed to the hospital as I was unharmed. just a few cuts and bruises. you, on the other hand, were severely injured. you had a concussion, 7 broken bones, a dislocated shoulder and knee, and you slipped into a coma. I felt extremely guilty because it was all my fault. I got distracted by you and I didn't see the car coming. it hit your side of the car. anyways, I went to the chapel in the hospital and prayed that you would be okay. I sat there for hours, praying to God that he wouldn't call you just yet. I told him I couldn't live without you. I can barely handle being away from you for a week. I need your smile. I need you in my life. I don't know what I would've done if you died. I was crying at some point. then I started bawling. I was thinking of the things that I could do for him to save you. I thought of being an altar server, joining the youth group, and even teaching the less fortunate. but then I thought it wasn't good enough. then it hit me. you life is worth so much more than mine. so I decided to spend the rest of my life serving God and thanking him for making sure you were okay. I love you so much. don't ever think that I got sick of you or I didn't love you. I love you so much that I gave up being with you so that you can live to find someone else. you can still come and see me in church. I always do the 6:00pm mass.

now remember, I love you. I always have, I always will.

forever yours (regardless of my vows),
Fr. Brooklyn Joseph Beckham

I cried as I finished the letter. he loved me so much that he gave up being with me so that I could live. I will never find anyone as amazing as him.

"I love you Brooklyn" I whispered.

"always have, always will"

a/n sooooo yeah I'm sorry if this is really crappy :(( BUT IVE GOT LOTS OF IDEAS SO STAY TUNED oh yeah and I'm on summer break so I've got lots of time to write :))

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora