I knew this would come up 3.0

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I jogged up to her, but as she saw me, she ran away. She probably doesn't want to see me, considering what I've put her through.

Later into the night

I Planned a grand apology. It has to work. It better work. It's gonna work.

I walked up to the stage to, supposedly, introduce the director of the film. But, I had different plans.

"Good evening everyone" I greeted, "now I was supposed to introduce the director of the film, but I have different plans" I loosened up and continued my speech.

"My name is Brooklyn Joseph Beckham, I am 16 years old and the offspring of Victoria and David Beckham. Despite how well my parents raised me, I've recently made a bad choice. Earlier this week, a rumor spread that I cheated on my girlfriend while out of the country. Sadly, that rumor turned out to be true" the crowd gasped, "I'm am fully aware of what I did and that is why I am here. My well, ex-girlfriend, called me one night while I was drunk to confirm these rumors. I was drunk off my ass and I snapped at her and we broke up" I wiped a tear away at the thought of losing her, although I already did. "The reason I'm here is to tell the world the story and tell my everything, my sunshine, my happiness, my love, *your name*, that I am sorry" I sobbed, "I'm sorry I was an ass that night. I'm sorry for everything that I've put you through. I know that you're here tonight and I know that you can hear me. Babe, I'm sorry for what I've done. I understand if you'll never forgive me but I just want you to know that I am sorry. I am full of regret and I am such an ass for doing that to you. I was drunk off my ass and I know that it's not an excuse. I am so sorry" I cried, tears falling like rain. I stood there on stage, vulnerable to anything. The crowd stayed silent as I wept in front of them.


I can't believe it. He went through all this for me. I knew it wasn't him. This is the real him. The kind, loving, and honest Brooklyn I know.

I stood up from my chair and began walking to the stage, spotlight shining on me.

I arrived at the stage, staring at the boy who broke my heart.


He looked at me with red eyes filled with tears. I sniffled a little too, knowing that he's crying because of me. He stood up and held my hands in his.

"Baby I am so sorry-" "it's okay babe, you've said it enough" I laughed, wiping away a tear from his eyes. "do you forgive me?" He asked, "Brooklyn, you know what you did was terrible" I began, his head hung low. "But I know you will never do it again" his head remained in the same position, "I know this because the Brooklyn that broke up with me wasn't the Brooklyn I fell in love with" his head snapped up, "the Brooklyn I fell in love with" I caressed his cheek, "is right here, right now" "does that mean you forgive me?" "Yes, I forgive you" his eyes lit up with joy as he picked me up and spun me around in joy. He put me down and immediately kissed me. The crowed cheered as I snaked my arms around his neck and he rested his hands on my waist. The kiss lasted 10 seconds until he turned to the mic.

"She said yes!"

Hell yeah I did.

a/n well that was nice :) I made the pic in the media so pls don't hate me if it sucks hehehe and OMG 4K VIEWS WUT

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora