I Love You

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Scenario: you died in a recent incident (up to you how you died) and at the moment, Brooklyn is at your funeral.

I can't believe I lost her.

i lost her

I lost her

I lost her.

I lost everything.

I've literally nothing left to lose.

I let her slip away from my fingers. Dammit why did she have to go? Why couldn't it be me?

Why her?

"And now to say a few words about *your name*, here is her beloved boyfriend Brooklyn" the host called out. I stood up, all eyes turned to me. I walked up the aisle.

As I arrived at her casket, where she laid so beautifully, a single tear fell down my face. I recalled all the beautiful memories she gave me. I pulled myself together as I began speaking.

"Hi everyone" I began, "I'm Brooklyn as you all know. So I should start before I begin crying" I laughed. " *your name* is a wonderful person, I feel bad for anyone who hasn't experienced being with her. She's a little ray of sunshine. Her eyes light up when she talks about something she loves and when she does something she's passionate about. She laughs at the weirdest things. We could have talks as weird as why cheese is yellow and also have deep conversations about life and how fast it's moving. She always said that life moved to fast that she couldn't catch up. She always loved living in the moment. There's so much to know about her that words can't describe. She is an amazing person. She's beautiful, funny, kind, thoughtful, respectful, amazing, and so much more. She gave me so much to remember about her and for that I am forever grateful for her" I wiped a stray year that has fallen from my eye, "I wish she could've stayed for longer, but when you pick flowers from a garden, you always pick the best ones. I guess God needed her up there. He needed another angel. We need more people like her here on earth. She deserved so much more than what she got. She deserved an eternity when she only received a few years. Even if she stayed for the rest of forever, no amount of time would be enough time for me to get sick of her" at this point, I was bawling. "If you can hear me up there, I just want you to know that I love you and that I'll see ya soon" I smiled, looking up into the air, knowing she is smiling back down at me.

a/n part 2 will be up soon ;) sorry if this is really crappy but the next part will be fluffy as fuck well not really its kind of sad happy type thing just rust me it's gonna be good (in my opinions)

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora