I love you, goodbye

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WARNING: self harm is involved in this chapter so if you're sensitive to that kind of stuff, I suggest you don't read this.

"Brooklyn! Babe! I'm home!" I exclaimed, waiting for an answer.
"Brooklyn?" I walked up the stairs, checked the closet, bedroom, and movie room.
"What the fuck?" I said out loud, he said he was home. I checked the kitchen and the backyard, no sign of Brooklyn. I walked back up to the stairs and thought about where I haven't looked. I haven't checked the bathroom.

"Babe? You're scaring me" I walked cautiously up the stairs, opening the bathroom door to a view I never wished to see.
"Oh my god babe" I held Brooklyn's lifeless body in my arms, I don't care if his blood was staining my clothes. "Oh my god Brooklyn" I cried rocking back and forth, holding his limp body to my heart. Blood still trickling down his wrists. "Please, no babe please" I laid him on the floor and attempted to wake him up. No luck.
"Babe why" I cried silently into his chest, waiting desperately for a response.
I should've known. No wonder he's been acting so weird. I should've asked. I should've spent more time with him. I should've told him I love him before I left this morning. I didn't know. I don't think anyone knew.
"Why did you leave me" I cried even more. Until I discovered a piece of paper, stained with tears and blood, in his hand. I shakily opened his hand and retrieved the letter.

Dear Sunshine,
If you're reading this, then I've succeeded. I'm in a better place now. I just want you to remember that I love you, I always will. Okay, I have to explain myself now.

I just want you to know that it wasn't your fault. In fact, you were the one who kept me sane. You kept me happy through the darkest days. I was just really unhappy with myself. I felt like I was never good enough for you. You deserve so much better than me. I knew that you loved me and if I broke up with you, you wouldn't let me. So I decided to end my life so that you can find someone better than me. You gave me everything. Love, respect, happiness, comfort, compassion, care, kindness, space, honesty, loyalty, and so much more. I feel like I didn't give you what you deserve.

So what I want you to do now is find someone better than me. Find someone who will love you more than I did (if that's possible). Find someone who will watch your favorite TV shows with, even though he doesn't enjoy it. If he really loves you, he'll do anything and everything to make you happy. Find someone who will make your favorite meals for you every morning. Find someone who will take care of you when you're sick, even if it means staying up all night watching over you. Find someone who will love you unconditionally.

As I end this, I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I don't know how I'll ever repay you. You took care of me when I was sick. You loved me at my lowest moments. You loved me through thick and thin. You loved me even if I lost a match. You loved me even if you thought I didn't love you. You loved me even when I cried like a baby when my dog died. You loved me even when I lost myself. You loved me no matter what. And for that I am forever thankful. I hope you find someone who can love you more than I did. I wish an endless supply of happiness for you and whoever you find to love.

I love you; I always will.
With all the love I can possibly give,
    Brooklyn Joseph Beckham

"Oh my god" I sobbed into his chest. Clutching the letter in my shaking hand. How am I ever gonna find someone like Brooklyn when there's only one?! I'm never gonna find someone who will love me more than him because he gave me all the love he could give. He gave me everything I could ever want. As cliche as it sounds, Brooklyn is my one and only and no one can ever be him.

"I love you Brooklyn" I whispered, "Goodbye"

A/N well then.....

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