appreciate you.

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hello love,
    today is just a normal day, but I just wanted to list down a bunch of things I love about you and a little shitty poem about  how much you mean to me.

1. your laugh brightens up my day
2. every little thing you do for me
3. every little thing you do for others
4. your beautiful heart
5. your kindness
6. your compassion
7. your loyalty
8. your respect for others
9. your morning voice
10. how much you care about your siblings.
11. your dedication
12. how you eyes light up when you talk about something you love
13. how your eyes light up when you do something you love
14. how you scrunch up your nose when something smells strange
15. how you raise your eyebrow at me to tease me
16. when you bring me breakfast in bed
17. buying me  McDonalds when I'm too lazy to call
18. forgiving me after I've fucked up
19. loving others
20. loving me unconditionally.

roses are red,
violets are blue,
I'm a shitty poet,
but I appreciate you.

all the love,

a/n I'm in love with the poem tho like seriously how do you not fall in love

Brooklyn Beckham imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora