Home for the Holidays

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This year, Brooklyn and I decided that we would spend the holidays with his family considering we spent the last 2 with mine.

"Babe! Are you ready?" Brooklyn asked me, "yeah just give me a minuet" I said, straightening out my outfit for the 1,000,000th time. I was gonna meet his parents, David and Victoria Beckham. I made sure my outfit was on point but still dress like myself considering his mother is a fashion designer. I walked over to Brooklyn and gave him a tight hug.

"Brooklyn, what if they don't like me?" "They'll love you" he kissed the top of my head, "and even if they didn't, I'd love you anyway" "thanks babe" I said giving him a peck on his lips. "Now let's go" he said, and with that, we headed to the Beckham palace.

Skip to when you get there

"Mum! Dad! I'm home!" Brooklyn proclaimed, "Brooklyn!" Little Harper greeted, running towards him. "Princess!" He picked her up and hugged her. It was such a beautiful sight to see his soft side. She looked at me, then back at Brooklyn with a confused expression on her face.

"Brooklyn, who's that?" She asked Brooklyn, pointing at me, "that's my girlfriend" he smiled. "She's pretty" she giggled, "I know" he smiled. She reached out her hands to me, Brooklyn handed her to me. "Hi, what's your name?" I asked her, setting the little angel on my hip, "my name is Harper, what's yours?" "*your name*" I smiled at her. "Hi *your name*, wanna play kingdom with me?" I gave Brooklyn a questioning look, "it's when she's the princess, usually mom is the queen, and I am the king" he explained, "ohh" I said in realization, "of course, lets go" "yay!!" She exclaimed, jumping back on to the ground and leading the way to her room.

She giggled as she handed me and Brooklyn a crown as she placed her little tiara on her head.

"So what do we do-" "oh no!" Brooklyn interrupted, turning to me. "The kingdom is under attack!" I decided to play along, "oh that is terrible! Round up the army, we shall fight back!" I stood up, as if I were to lead the army. "Sit back down, my queen" Brooklyn hushed, "let the men take care of it"

"Brooklyn!" I gasped, "I am disappointed in you for thinking girls can't do anything" I laughed, "girls can do anything boys can do, right Harper?" "Yeah, Girl power!" we high fived before two younger boys entered the room.

"Intruders!" Harper shouted, raging towards her brothers and slightly tapping them with her rubber sword. "Oh nooo" one of the boys said, "I've been hit!" "Me too!" The second one agreed. They fell to the ground, as if they were really hit. "We did it!" Harper cheered, "yeah we did!" I said picking her up and spinning her around.

"What is all the commotion about?" THE Victoria Beckham asked, "don't worry mum, Harper just single handedly defended the kingdom from being attacked" Brooklyn pointed out. "Yeah mum, with the help of *your name*!" She said grabbing my hand and presenting me to her mother. "How did she help you?" Victoria asked, "she said that girls can do anything boys can do!" She cheered with glee, "oh really? It's nice to know that someone has taught her that girls are just as good as guys" Victoria smiled at me, "well I think girls as young as little Harper should know that" I smiled back.

"Oh yeah mum, this is my girlfriend *your name*" Brooklyn said, standing up and walking over to me. "Ah so this is the famous *your name*" she beamed, "I've been hearing so much about you! Brooklyn never shuts up about you" she laughed, "it's nice to meet you Mrs. Beckham" "oh please" she laughed, "just call me Victoria" "alright" I smiled again. "Now come, dinner is ready" she said before leaving. I heard her whisper into Brooklyn's ear, "I like her, she's a keeper", which caused me to crack a smile.

"Last one to the table is a rotten egg!" I shouted as we all races down the staircase and to the table in fear of being a rotted egg .

a/n I really like this one, it's fluffy :3 FEEL FREE TO POINT OUT MISTAKES :)

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