Chapter 1: The encounter

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Author's note: Hey everyone, it's so nice to be writing for you again! I hope you enjoyed my last fanfic Restless, and hopefully, you will enjoy this one. If you haven't read the summary yet, please do, because that may clear up some questions that you may have.

Please leave any suggestions or reviews you may have as this is my first chapter of this kind of fanfic, thank you all so much! Enjoy!

Emily's P.O.V.

"Hey mom, can I go see the Katy Perry concert here in Los Angeles? It's coming up in 2 weeks and you won't even have to drive me there, please...." Here's the thing, my parents hate Katy Perry, they won't tell me why, they just hate her, but I love her more than I love myself at all times.

"Emily, for the last time, no." I just turned 8 a few weeks ago, my mom is a nurse and dad is an engineer, I'm an only child. We don't look alike at all, I have blonde hair while they have brown hair, greyish-blue eyes while they have brown eyes, which makes me question sometimes...

"Why do you guys hate her so much, what did she do to you? Your daughter likes her and she is simply asking to go to a concert of hers, it's not like you can't afford it. Don't you want me to be happy?" I said a little annoyed, "Emily, I'm really busy right now so I need you to cooperate with me here okay?" She's always busy, she NEVER has anytime for me at all, especially dad, who's always on business trips.

I puffed as hot tears ran down my cheek, sometimes, I feel like they aren't my parents. They have never give me any love, I've never felt truly happy. Only Katy makes me feel happy, I've wanted to take away my life many times, but Katy says I'm worthy and that she loves me unconditionally.

I know my dreams are too high, I know that I won't ever meet her. And it looks like my hopes to go to this concert surely won't be happening anytime soon. "What will it take for me to go to this concert?" I think I just completely pissed her off.

"Why do you like her so much? She doesn't even know you, you don't even love your mother as much as you love her! She's just a famous singer that sings songs for the world, what don't you get?" She yelled slamming her pen down onto the table, making a loud clicking sound.

"Oh really, when I had hard times, her music saved me numerous times. I know she's doesn't know me, and she doesn't ever need to, I just need to know her and that's enough." And with that, I ran out of the house choking on my own tears, life couldn't get any worse.

Katy's P.O.V.

"God bless you Sydney!!" I screamed as the triangular prism closed around me, another leg of my Prismatic World Tour finished here in Australia. I'm going back to Los Angeles to perform next, I didn't even have time to breathe now.

Even singing can't bring me out of my depression, my baby girl just turned 8 a few weeks ago, I wonder how she's doing now. I miss her every single day of my life and the main reason I ever became a singer was to find her, she was taken away from me by force when I was 19.

I had just given birth to her, I didn't have the chance to hold or cradle her when she was taken away. My parents never smiled at me since, I had gotten beaten because of the pregnancy. But I knew that my baby would be worth it. All the pain and torture I would go through would all be worth it, but It wasn't.

In the middle of the night, I heard a baby's cry. I remember looking up and seeing a figure in black clothes taking away my baby, MY baby that I had almost died giving birth to and went through hell carrying her. I started screaming and I tried getting out of bed, but I just collapsed on the ground and fainted. Ever since then, I hadn't smiled for half a year.

I had been around half of the world and I still haven't found her, I know it's been 8 years, but a mother can recognize her daughter anytime anywhere. "Hey, are you alright?" I heard Tamra ask, making me snap out of daydreaming.

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