Chapter 37: Losing you

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Emily's P.O.V.

"What are you doing?" Abby said after I darted towards the bus, "They're my family, and I'm not going to lose them again!" I yelled before heading towards the bus. "Go get as much water as you can, we need to make an entrance!" There were terrible screams from inside, which made me decide that I can't wait any longer, they might be seriously hurt.

I took a deep breath knowing that if I don't make it, at least I died knowing I did the right thing. And then I ran inside, surprisingly, there was barely any fire inside. My body was on fire, I started screaming but thankfully something cold hit me soon enough.

I forced myself to not cry, I had to stay strong in front of them. "Oh my goodness Emily, why would you do that?" Dan said embracing me, "I couldn't lose you guys, now let's get out, I'm sure they have water waiting for us, come on, we can't wait any longer."

I held onto his hand and we jumped out, getting splashed by water immediately. "Wait, where's Josh?!" I started screaming when the fire doubled, Angelina grabbed me as I struggled to go back inside to rescue him. "JOSH NO!" I cried when I saw him trying to get out.

How could I have forgotten, "POUR WATER ON THE FREAKING BUS!" I screamed as they did as told, Angelina was still holding onto me tightly. Josh was one of the best guys I'm working with, losing him would be like losing a brother to me.

"There's nothing we can do Em, I'm so sorry." Abby whispered, crouching down next to me. "No, I'm not gonna sit here and watch my best friend die!" I said breaking free from her arms, "Emily no!" She said scrambling to run after me.

The most terrifying thing happened next, when I was a few feet away from the bus, the entire bus blew up, sending me flying backwards, landing me on the hard, concrete. Ow that hurt so badly, I slowly lifted my head up to see a lifeless body in front of me.

My entire face dropped when I saw who it was, "Josh?" I said, tears pouring out of my eyes. I screamed and lunged towards him, but Dan caught me. "JOSH!" I continued screaming, throwing myself all over the place trying to break free, but he is the strongest guy on tour with me.

"Oh my god." Abby whispered as Angelina called the police, I finally gave up and slowly sank to the ground, crying hardly the entire time. Why do the people I love always have to get torn apart from me in the worst ways possible? Then when life couldn't get any worse, the paparazzi showed up.

I ignored all their comments, just laying on the ground crying my eyes out. This is a day I'm never, ever going to forget.

Katy's P.O.V.

I just entered New York and to my surprise, the first person I saw was Tamra. "Tam?! What are you doing here?" I asked, it looked as if she were waiting for me. "Well John called me and since I was already in New York, I decided to watch over you until they get here. He explained everything."

I placed my hand on my forehead and sighed, "Do you know where Emily might be then?" I asked as she took my arm, "Katy, you know sabotaging your daughter's career is wrong, why are you still doing it?" She asked gently, as we started walking to who knows where.

"Because she deserves it." She chuckled and we walked into a Starbucks, man I could really do with some coffee right now. I ordered a iced chai tea latte and she ordered a simple strawberry acai large. "Because she's your daughter and you're her mother, and moms don't do that to their own children."

"I know she upset you, but think of all the things you made her go through. Now I'm not siding with her, I'm just laying down all the facts like I always do on tour. You left her to go on tour, when she needed you she just huddled up in a corner and cried herself to sleep, when someone was bullying her, you were never there. Katy, are you seriously going to ruin the one thing she ever wanted after all you've done to her? This isn't the Katy I know!"

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