Chapter 19: The fight

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5 years later...

Emily's P.O.V.

I can't believe it, when mom told dad to leave, she was serious! I haven't seen dad in 5 years, and now, I'm a fourteen year old teenage girl who can't get any attention from mom these days. She's been so busy lately with touring, and I'm not allowed to go since I have to go to school.

And Shannon's babysitting me, but she has to leave soon to film the last few episodes of Raising Hope, which I absolutely adore and love. Today is Saturday, meaning I have no school and mom is coming home tomorrow to take a tour break, yay!

I jumped out of bed and ran into the guest room where Shannon sleeps, I ran across the room and jumped onto her bed, making her groan. "What the fuck Emily, get off!" And just like that, I ended up being pushed onto the ground, it's like this every single morning.

"Oh come on get up you lazy poop!" I said jumping on her again, It's really funny how I'm so little, and that my parents are both extremely tall. Speaking of parents, I miss mom so much, it's been 2 months since I last saw her. Of course we would call each other and facetime sometimes, but it's still different.

Shannon groaned and rolled off the bed, "You are so lucky that I love you, otherwise, I'm not taking you shopping after how you woke me up today." She joked throwing a bathrobe onto herself. "Aww I love you too, but why exactly are we going shopping today?"

"Because your mother is coming home tomorrow and we need to get something to welcome her home tomorrow, and you need more clothes for school honestly." Yep, she acted like my mother when Katy wasn't around, she's so bossy sometimes eugh!

I walked downstairs and plopped myself onto the couch, flicking on the news channel in the meantime. I spat out my water in surprise when dad came onto the tv, and Shannon appeared as well.

"Hello, this is a live reporter from Hollywood USA! I'm here with John Mayer, and he just finished another leg of his world tour! How has it been?" She asked giving him the microphone.

"Well to be honest, it's been quite tiring lately. Emily just turned 14 a few days ago." The lady awwed and put her hand over her heart, "Do you miss her?"

"Of course I do, I'm just so nervous. I'm scared that she might not want me back into her life if I tried, I mean, I haven't seen her in 5 years after all, her nor Katy."

I tuned out after that part, I didn't notice tears until Shannon pointed them out. I never knew how much I missed my dad, yeah maybe mom didn't get along with him, but that doesn't mean I can't see him anymore! "Shannon, you have a private jet right?" I asked turning around.

"Um, if you're thinking about sneaking out today to go see him, then no." My smile dropped and I wrapped my arms around her, "Shan please, you were there that night weren't you? I didn't even get to hug him before mom kicked him out, please just let me see him, a girl needs her father as well."

She sighed, "Fine, but if Katy finds out about this I'm going to get screwed." I smiled and hopped off her lap as she dialed a number and walked to the kitchen. Dad was still on the tv talking about other stuff now, I don't really remember him that well since I was only 9 afterall.

But I have heard stories that he really loved me, and that I loved him with all my heart as well. I traced his face with my finger against the tv until Shannon came back. "Alright, let's get going to LAX! Oh and if you suddenly bump into your mother, just um...make up something okay?"

"Sure, but the blame is still on you." I said quickly before getting into her car, I laughed the entire way knowing what her reaction would be. I forgot about the paparazzi, I forgot how crazy it would be at this time, especially when Katy Perry is coming back home.

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