Chapter 4: Bloody sheets

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Author's note: I hope this chapter can make up for the time I stopped writing, thanks for everything :)

Emily's P.O.V.

I was silently crying in the middle of the world, not knowing where on earth I was. There was a slight shuffling of noises, and the wind started blowing in my direction. The shuffling got louder and my heart started beating quicker, I felt like it was going to explode out of my chest at any minute.

I grabbed a nearby rock and gripped it tightly in my hand, if anyone tried to take me again, I will defend myself properly this time. It was a man that looked so familiar, a little too familiar. Oh my goodness, it was Bob, my foster father. He froze, and I froze, before I let out a terrible scream.

Katy's P.O.V.

I started running towards the screams that sounded like Emily's, John right behind me. This couldn't be happening, what if she was getting hurt right now? I'm her mother for god damn, I'm supposed to be protecting her and making her feel fucking safe, but I can't even find her!

The screams got closer and I saw a man carrying something, "Holy crap!" I gasped realizing that it was Bob with Emily hanging over his shoulder, still screaming and kicking her little limbs. "NO!!!" I ran over to him and kicked him hard in the balls, a man's weak spot.

He screamed and dropped Emily, which caused her to land hard on the ground. I rushed over to her and gripped her tightly in my arms as I picked her up carefully, she immediately had herself wrapped around me so tightly I could barely breathe, I seriously wonder what else he did to her.

"Mommy I don't want to go with him, but he said that he will hurt me if I didn't go with him, I'm so sorry mommy." She said in that little hurt, innocent voice, which only made me develop more anger towards that bitch.

"Babe, he would never hurt you, mommy is here to protect you okay?" John grabbed my waist and huffed, "What happened, are you okay?" I asked him, he looked like he had just done the worst thing ever.

"Don't worry, they won't be hurting our Emily anymore." He whispered into my ear, I smiled, so protective, so caring...if only Emily knew. Bob tried coming near me, but I put a hand on the back of Emily's head and pushed her further into my arms.

"Don't you dare take another step, or you're going to regret that for the rest of your life Bob." I threatened, "Leave, or I'm calling the police." John said, Bob sighed and left soon after giving me a harsh stare. "Emily honey, he's gone now." I set her onto the ground and she just wrapped herself around my legs.

"Sweetie, are you tired or something? Usually kids like to wrap around adults when they're tired, let's get you home and to bed!" I said taking her hand, but she just kept looking at John with almost fear in her eyes. That's when I realized why she ran away, she must have overheard me in the car...

"Is it true that you're my dad?" She asked tightening her grip on me, almost as if she's afraid that he might hurt her. "Emily, he's not going to hurt you, and yes, he's your father, is that why you ran away earlier?" I asked bending down so we were eye-level.

"I'm scared, what if he doesn't like me one day and he hurts me like he hurt those other people?" I looked up at John and gasped, I've never seen him this hurt before in his entire life, and I've known him for almost 10 years now. I looked down at Emily.

"Emily, how could you say something like that? Yes he had a reputation, but that doesn't mean people can't change. And he's your father, he risked his life to save you Em, he loves you, that's why he helped me create a perfect little human being like you." I said tapping her nose, making her crinkle it.

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