Chapter 28: Destiny is history

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Katy's P.O.V.

"Alright Emily, you're gonna have to hold on tight...the stupid paparazzi are going to literally try and kill you out here." I had an arm tightly wrapped around Emily as we made our way out to London, okay, I've seen tons of paparazzi before, but this is nothing compared to it.

They were everywhere, you won't believe it, but some were even in trees! Oh my gosh, Emily's innocence is going to be all taken away by some stupid men with fat cameras. I quickly shoved Emily into a taxi and climbed in myself afterwards.

"To the main London hospital please." The driver nodded and off we went, after about 30 minutes of them trying to clear out. Just a few more minutes, and hopefully our lives will be complete. I looked down to see Emily playing with her fingernails, oh my dear gracious, we have gotten to get her nails done.

"Mom?" I snapped back to reality, "Yeah Em?" I replied gently and calmly, I hope that this is a problem I can actually take care of. She looked up at me slowly, and that's when I noticed that there were tears in her eyes. "I um, need to tell you something."

I honestly don't get why she's so nervous, I know she's still getting used to having me back, but this is going way too far. "You can tell me anything, because you're my baby." She shook her head, "No, I'm afraid that when I tell you this, you won't look at me the same way you do now."

Oh no, this better not be about another boy trying to rape her. "Honey, you're my daughter. No matter what you tell me, I could never see you any differently than the daughter I will always love." I placed a gentle kiss on her cheek and smiled at her, she took a deep breath.

"After you left for the tour, I was about 13 years old I think, probably. I kept on getting texts from an anonymous phone number, and I still am. The texts were all threatening, and they were all about you. They knew dad was on tour and that you were gone, and no one could do anything about this, so they took advantage of it."

I couldn't listen to this anymore, I'm going to stand up for her this time, and I'm not doing anything else until this is solved. "Hand me your phone, now." She looked at me fearfully for a few seconds before doing as told, I immediately took it from her and unlocked it.

I realized that her home page was an image of her and another woman, it definitely wasn't Amy, but it isn't me either. I shook off the thought and decided to question about it later. I clicked open the messages and gasped, there were at least a million messages!

I'm actually glad that she didn't delete anything, now we have evidence for whatever the person's doing to her. I clicked open a random one and read,

You're going to pay for what you did to Katy, I loved her, and you ended her...

Do you like hot guys, because I've gotten a 9-pack...

Don't be afraid when there's thunder tonight, because you'll be all alone with no mommy or daddy to protect the wittle baby...

Pick up your order at the Fringe Cafe downtown in 10 minutes, I've gotten a sweet surprise for you...

I looked up at Emily almost angrily, "Did you go to the Fringe Cafe that day, or night or whenever it was?" She slowly nodded and I sighed, looking out the window. What am I going to do, the last message this person sent to her was a day ago, which read:

Ooohhhhhhh, your mommy is back home! But now your dad is about to go to heaven as well.

I bit my lip in frustration, so this person is apparently one of my fans. "Emily, I'm going to keep your phone for a while okay? And I will always be around you, if I'm not, then my security guards will constantly be around you. I'm going to figure out who is doing this, don't worry okay?"

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