Chapter 25: Ghost

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Emily's P.O.V.

"Ugh shut up Shannon you're not helping!" I screamed in her face for the thousandth time this evening, dad's working in his studio again and soon, he's going to start finishing his tours. Meanwhile, it's going to be like the olden days where I'm stuck with this one again.

I'm trying to write a new song, but I couldn't focus with her around. How would you feel if you had a woman acting like a monkey, dancing on tabletops and munching on apples while you tried to focus? Well that's exactly what she's doing, I'm not lying at all. And what's with her and apples??

I grabbed a nearby apple and threw it at her, I can't believe it actually hit her! "You know what, you're no help. I'm going to call someone who can actually help me write a song." That's when I remembered, dad left me Cheryl's number just in case I needed her.

I ran upstairs as fast as I could and grabbed my phonebook, "Ah ha, found it!" I picked up my iPhone and dialed in her number, the moment my hand touched my phone, a vision appeared:

"You're never going to catch me mommy!" I screamed as I ran across the meadow, my mom right behind me. I was giggling and in a beautiful sunflower dress, I suddenly tripped and started crying considering I was only 3 years old at the time.

That's when I noticed a woman standing off to the side, she had black hair and greyish eyes. She rushed over to me and picked me up, "Sweetheart, are you okay?" Her voice was so gentle and calm, she sounded like my real mother.

I stopped crying and just stared at her, "Who are you?" I asked in my childish voice, "I'm your birthmother, and I just wanted to tell you that no matter where we end up, mommy loves you and you'll always be my baby, mommy's little girl." I started crying when I was forcibly unlatched from her arms and into the arms of Amy.

I turned around in her arms and continued crying as I got further and further away from Katy, there were tears in her eyes as she looked down at the ground, blowing one final raspberry at me before disappearing.

I dropped my phone and I could hear Cheryl's voice on the other end, she sounded panicked. "I'm coming right over, be strong Emily!" She shouted before ending the conversation, wait she's coming over? Is this vision real, did I actually see her when I was three years old?

But why would she tell a random three year old that she's their mother, this is all so confusing. I'm always going to be her baby, that's all that I remembered from the vision. But I'm not her baby anymore, she's gone and there's nothing I can do about it.

I fell to the floor crying, clutching my phone in my hand, it reminded me so much of Katy. The door opened and Shannon crouched down, "Hey Emily, I know this is really hard for you. But think about how proud Katy would be if you achieved your dreams right?"

I nodded, she's right. Crying isn't going to do me any good, it's just a big time waster. "Oh I called Cheryl, and I think she might be coming over." Shannon clapped her hands, "Oh that's great, I love her so much! I'm gonna go prepare some snacks, meanwhile, you need to get yourself ready."

She squeals like a 5-year-old at times, it's so annoying ugh! I rolled my eyes and walked downstairs and plopped onto the couch, where I had all my notebooks and guitar. I remembered that Katy taught me how to play the guitar when I was 13, the exact same time she got her first guitar and learned how to play it.

I moved my hand along the perfectly cut wood, and tears fell down my eyes. I opened the TV and put Part of Me into the DVD player, I don't know why, but I want myself to cry. I miss my mommy so much, imagine how you would feel if your mom just left you.

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