Chapter 29: Incomplete love

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John's P.O.V.

I continued to cry silently as I held my Katy in my arms, her sweet vanilla scent filling the air around us. The moment I kissed her, all the memories came back. I love her so much, and she's the woman I want to be with forever, and I'm not going to screw things up this time.

Katy pulled away as Emily and Shannon appeared in the room, "Dad!" She screamed jumping onto me, making me laugh and let out a painful groan. "Hey Emily, wow you've grown taller!" I said kissing her forehead, she rolled off of me and onto Katy.

"Yep, thanks to Shannon taking me out everyday!" I looked into Katy's eyes for the first time in 8 months, I looked into her soul. I slowly ran one finger across her perfect jawline, "You are released, hello!" Shannon said snapping her fingers in front of my eyes.

Katy giggled and stood up from the bed, and helped me up afterwards. "So, I already signed you out and yes, I can do that because I'm me." I smiled and hugged her, "Thank you, for watching over Emily for such a long time, and for being you."

She rolled her eyes, "Anytime buddy, now let's get going and eat some real food since I lacked that quite a lot." "You're always lacking food dummy!" Emily said pouncing onto Shannon. The two started arguing as they walked out of the room, leaving Katy and I alone, again.

I slid my arms around her petite waist from behind and kissed her neck, she started melting into my body. "I'm never letting you go, I'm never letting you out of my sight ever again. That night when you passed away, I didn't even get to tell you that I love you, you died thinking that I hated you."

She shook her head and turned around in my arms, "No John, I always love you, and I know that you will always love me even during our worst arguments. I should have never kicked you out of that house that night, I wasn't thinking about Emily at all. And I wasn't thinking about how you'd feel, and you were only trying to protect me, but I still was the bitch I am and shoved you out."

"Hey, don't say that to yourself alright? I just want everything to go back to normal, now that we're complete as a family again. I want Emily to grow up in a healthy family now, she has such a beautiful mother who understands her better than she understands herself, she's a very lucky girl, Kate."

Her tears still flowed uncontrollably, and it killed me on every single degree to see her in so much pain, when she shouldn't be. "John, I want to try again, you know? Us." My eyes lit up with happiness after hearing what she just said, does she really trust me, and risk herself?

"Really Kate, me?" I asked running my hand through her hair, she looked into my teary eyes for a few more seconds before nodding. "If I didn't trust you, Emily wouldn't be here in the first place."

I let out a loud, happy laugh as I picked her up around the waist and swung her around. My love, in my arms, giggling. I set her down gently, "But first, let's get you out of here. Are you still touring?" I sadly nodded my head, I wanted to spend time with Katy and Emily, but I knew I couldn't.

"I know this is a lot to ask right now, but could Emily and I tag along with you?" Before she could say anything else, I planted my lips on hers. "Kate, you don't have to ask, I would make you if you didn't want to anyways." She giggled as we made our way out of the room.

Both of us stopped when we saw Shannon and Emily rolling on the ground, I looked over at Katy, who seemed frozen. Then she shook her head and stomped forwards, "What do you two think you're doing, rolling around on the floor, in the middle of a hospital, in London!" She snapped pulling Emily up.

Since Emily was laughing so hardly, her knees gave in and she fell to the ground, dragging Katy along with her. I started laughing when Katy's face turned into her adorable angry phase, "John, help me!" She snapped, women...

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