Chapter 33: Once Upon a Time

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Author's note: So I changed the rating to Mature because I realized that there were some mature scenes in this story, so if you were wondering.  Enjoy!

Emily's P.O.V.

I took five deep breaths standing on my front porch, there are literally only two things that could happen when I walk into this house. The first one, dad and mom could have gotten along and dad's staying and the second one, well, mom kicked him out of the house.

I opened the door and walked in, to my surprise, it was completely quiet. Oh dear, this isn't a good sign. But on the bright side, there are no signs of fighting, that must have already happened when I left.

"Mom, are you home even?" I asked, then footsteps were heard, making me turn around to see mom in a bathrobe. "Um, why are you in a bathrobe and where's dad, I heard Shan say that he's back." She looked like she's in such a happy state, either I'm missing something or she's just acting weird.

"He's staying Em, don't worry about that anymore. I told you this family is destined to be together, we will always find each other one way or the other. I'm sorry about earlier, I guess I kind of just flipped out and you were correct, I was just being selfish."

I never brought up anything about being selfish, but now I know the real reason. I leaned up against the counter, knowing that this might take a while, all her apologies do.

"I'm just afraid, afraid that I'm going to lose you as well if you do end up finding him. And I'm just scared that he might leave and end up hurting me again Emily..." Wait what, she thought that I would forget about her if I found dad? "Mom, why would you even think that?" I asked walking towards her.

She sniffled and continued, "You're my only child Emily, and you're a teenager, I never know what a teenager thinks or what's going on in their minds. I know you wouldn't leave me, but it's a possibility. And you were so angry at me, I seriously thought that you would leave me to go find John."

A single tear fell out of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her, "Like you said before, no matter how angry I am at you, I could never truly be angry at you, because you're my mother. And I love you too much." She smiled before planting a kiss on my forehead.

"Emily..." I turned around and looked towards the voice, oh my goodness, it's dad. Mom let go of me as I slowly walked towards dad, "Dad, you're really back." I said as he pulled me into an awkward hug, as what I would say. "I only left because they said they'd fire me, then that's when everything went black and it turns out that a whole year passed by when I woke up."

And this entire time we've been thinking that he left us, but he's been unconscious the entire time, this guilt that I'm feeling, it's not any normal guilt that a regular person can normally feel. "So you're going to stay?" Dad looked at mom, who nodded and smiled.

"This is the best day that's ever happened in my entire life, besides meeting mom but, second best day ever." My mom and dad are getting along, my dad's staying, and I'm finally feeling like a normal human being again.

"So now that you guys are okay, can I go hang out with my friend Jayleen?" Mom sighed and nodded, "Well now that you can drive, I can't really say no can I?" I rolled my eyes and finished the sentence, "Because I'll just drive and go anyways. Yep, you know me too well."

"Actually mom, we're going to the Once Upon a Time premiere, surprisingly it's not that far from here. I'm going to be meeting Jennifer Morrison, can you believe that?! She's my favorite actress, her acting is like the bomb ahh!" She nodded and walked away, what's up with her? "Okay um, bye? Love you?" No reply, so I just decided to question it later, I'm super duper excited to go and meet the cast!

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