Chapter 34: Path to fame

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Katy's P.O.V.

I don't know what to say or what to do anymore, she's never hurt me this deeply and honestly, I'm pretty sure she's clueless right now. She sighed and sat down across from me, "I understand why you're upset right now, Jen explained it to me."

I narrowed my eyebrows, how did she get involved in this all of a sudden? "I've really let you down this time, mom. I was being selfish and I didn't think about your feelings before I said all that stuff and I just left to go search for a new social life, but you're way more important than my friends. And I just realized that the life we're living right now, is so messed up."

I couldn't agree more, this is the worst life anyone could be living right now. "And I want to start over, freshen up and have a new start. To rewrite our life, starting today. It's just going to be you and me mom, for the rest of our lives I'm going to stay with you, I'm not leaving you again."

More tears flowed out of my eyes as I stood up, she did the same. "Mom please say something?" She said, but I didn't. I threw my arms around her and pulled her into an embrace, finally letting the sob escape my mouth. The both of us just continued crying as we held each other.

We are both really messed up, but have a 31 year old mother and a 16 year old daughter doesn't always end up as good. "You're my daughter, forever. And you're right, we do need to start over." She nodded as I planted a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you baby girl, I will always love you, no matter where you end up, you will always be my baby girl."

2 years later...

Emily's P.O.V.

I just turned 18 a couple of days ago, and to my surprise, I got into Stanford University of California. Which means that I'm leaving in two days, off to my future life. Ever since that day with Jen, I've really changed my style of living. I went back into school and graduated with straight A's.

Mom and dad got married when I turned 17 years old, and weirdly, they haven't had a single fight and nothing tragic has happened ever since that day occurred. I've never spoken to Jennifer or any other celebrity, barely any friends but I don't care, mom's happy and that's all that matters to me.

I really don't know how I'm going to leave for college, those words that mom said to me keep replaying itself over and over again in my head: I love you baby girl, I will always love you, no matter where you end up, you will always be my baby girl.

I've finished packing but the good thing about all of this is Los Angeles is really close to Stanford, which means that I can visit mom and dad regularly. It won't be too hard for any of us, hopefully.

A gentle knock on the door interrupted me from my thoughts, I looked up from my suitcase to see mom leaning against my door. "Hey, dinner's ready." I smiled and nodded, these would be one of the last dinners I have together with them before I leave.

I immediately stood up and walked towards her, throwing my arms around her as she did the same to me. "I'm going to miss you so much baby." She said, beginning to tear up. "Mom, I'm not leaving yet, I've still gotten two days." I chuckled.

"I know baby, two days, so let's make the most out of it." I nodded as we walked downstairs together, our arms linked. Even these little moments that we would have, I would never forget, because these little things lead up to the big things.

I froze when I reached the bottom of the staircase, "Um mom, there's nothing on the table..." I said slowly, and weirdly. Dad appeared and wrapped an arm around mom's waist, "That's because Shannon decided to throw you a goodbye party at her house, where dinner is going to be held, so let's get going."

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