Chapter 15: Miracles do happen

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Emily's P.O.V.

This plan is working perfectly, this way when mom wakes up, she'll know what she's done. If this is the only way to get her attention, then so be it. I'm sick and tired of trying to do everything wrong just to get her attention, I mean, which kid has to hurt themselves to get attention from their pop star mother?

Okay that sounded weird, don't answer that question. I grabbed onto Shannon's hand when I saw dad run into the hospital and towards us. I hate having to act like I don't know any of these people, but it's for their own good, and mine of course.

"Emily, thank goodness you're okay." He said reaching out to pick me up, but I shrank back into Shannon's chest. It's actually quite comforting, to be here in her arms. The look on his face, is one that I'm never going to forget.

John's P.O.V.

I looked around the hospital and sighed in relief when I finally spotted them, on the ground in the middle of the hallway? This is getting really weird, Emily's okay, oh thank goodness. I started running and the moment I reached them, I reached out to pick Emily up.

"Emily, thank goodness you're okay." I said sighing the entire time, but not only did she not say a word, she also shrank into Shannon's arms. That's when I noticed that Shannon was on the ground crying, did something happen to Katy that I don't know about?

I decided to ignore Emily for now, so I pulled Tamra aside. "What's happening, why are Shannon and Emily acting like that?" I asked sternly, she had been crying as well. And to see such a strong woman like Tamra cry, it really must be something devastating.

"Emily just woke up a few minutes ago and she thinks Shannon's her mother, and when Shannon took Emily to Katy's room, I think Katy heard about what was going on, because her heart monitor started beeping double its normal rate. I'm so worried, and the doctors aren't telling us anything."

Wow, the world is spinning. "John, are you okay?" Tam asked putting her hands out in case I fell, which I think I'm very close to doing. "Why is the world spinning, why do I feel so light-headed?" I put one hand on the wall and took deep breaths.

I couldn't faint, it would just add to their problems right now. You will make it through, believe in yourself. I nodded and looked up, "Is that why Emily's not talking to me, so basically she doesn't know me?" I said so calmly that it's starting to scare me.

"Basically, but I'm sure that her memory's going to come back. It's all a matter of time, right?" She said, that's when I literally lost it. "All a matter of time? Are you serious, Katy is dying! Emily doesn't know who I am, I'm a man that's about to go mad because I'm the reason that this happened in the first place! You have all the rights to kill me right now, if I hadn't said that one sentence, we would probably still be sleeping happily!" I screamed.

I fell onto my knees and wept, "This can't be happening, Katy doesn't deserve any of this. She's never going to forgive me is she?"

Emily's P.O.V.

What have I done, I'm regretting this so much! "Mommy, can I go see Katy, alone?" I asked Shannon, to be honest, I hated having to call another woman my mother, but I couldn't just stop right now. It would be obvious, I guess I'm just so desperate for Katy's attention that I would try anything.

Shannon looked up at me with wide eyes, "You want to see Katy, that's great sweetheart! Take all the time you need, look closely at her face, and please remember, that she loves you no matter what the circumstances are." I nodded and walked away.

I slowly opened the door and closed it after myself, tears started flooding into my eyes as I saw mom laying there, almost lifeless. I walked over to her and took her hand in my little one, I started crying. I hadn't touched her in so long, I missed the way she used to hug me, I felt so protected.

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