Chapter 21: Heaven

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Author's note: Just before you start reading, I'm just going to spoil it a bit for you.  GET TISSUES!  I know you might cry on this one because I sure did...anyways, enjoy :)

Katy's P.O.V.

The whole arena was filled with awws, and I felt so guilty the entire time when they were embracing. I basically took John away from Emily's life for such a long time, I don't know how I'm supposed to live with that. He held onto her the entire time when Daughters was being sung.

By now, my entire shirt was soaked with tears because they kept on falling freely from my bloodshot eyes. The people around me also were crying although I wouldn't really know why, I missed John so much suddenly, I hope he misses me as well.

But I wouldn't blame him if he still hated me, I would hate me too. I took everything away from him when he sacrificed so much for me, and I couldn't even let that one little mistake slide by. "Katy, go onstage!" The girl from earlier said nudging me.

I shook my head, "I can't, this is their little moment and I'd just ruin it again." Then the most miraculous thing happened, a spotlight found its way to me. My heart stopped beating, eyes widened and jaw dropped. The arena burst out into excited screams as John laid his eyes upon mine.

He slowly let go of Emily and walked towards me, no, why. I'm giving those people a lesson after this, they're dead. I didn't come here to get noticed by my ex, I came here so Emily could just see him! I didn't know she would run onstage and hug him, wow life.

He bent down in front of me and held out his hand Who You Love, how ironic right? The song had just begun, I personally didn't want to reach out for him, but everyone around me was literally shoving me until my body was pressed against the stage, where he grabbed my hand.

I gasped a little, I hadn't felt his touch for 5 years. His touch was so gentle, so protective, it made me suddenly want more. I rolled my eyes and he helped me onstage, there is no way I'm singing that song with him. We're not this close yet, and I think he got that hint.

We stared into each other's eyes the entire time and when it was my turn, my voice boomed throughout the speakers from above. I noticed for the first time tonight that he had tears in his eyes, I couldn't take it anymore. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my soft lips against his.

Well, this completely set everyone off. His arms found their way to my waist and held me tightly as he deepened the kiss. I finally pulled back after what seemed like a century, looking deeply into his eyes. "I've really missed you John, so, so much."

He just smiled and kissed me again, "I've missed you more honey, I never stopped loving you and I never will. I want you back in my life, and I'm sure everyone out there tonight wants you back as well, right guys?" He said into the microphone, causing cheers to erupt, more like screams.

I bit my lip, I couldn't force myself into another relationship then end up getting hurt again. Oh no, he's giving me that smile. "John, I can't promise you anything yet. But I know that one day when I'm more used to this, we will be together, again." I said the best I could hoping not to harm him.

He smiled and nodded, "I will wait a thousand years for that day to come, just remember that I'm not giving up on us." Emily started sobbing, I could tell because she's literally sobbing. That's when she ran offstage and back into our row, I looked back at John.

"Thank you for understanding, you better get back to performing again." I wanted to sing with him so badly in front of all these amazing people, but I just don't think I'm ready yet. He hugged me one more time before his guards helped me down.

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