Chapter 6: I give up

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Emily's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning to a smell of burnt something, oh no, did mom try to cook something again? I threw the covers off of myself and raced downstairs, yep, mom was cooking. "Mommy!!" I shrieked as the fire alarms went off, the sound was ear-piercing.

"Cover your ears babe, it's going to go off soon enough." She started flapping air with a magazine onto the machine and it died a few minutes later, dad appeared at the bottom of the staircase looking really terrible, I heard he's sick or something.

"What did you do to the kitchen?!" I said running over to inspect, looks like she tried to make us pancakes and waffles, but there aluminum foil inside the microwave, why are there raw pancakes inside of the microwave! You know what, don't answer that.

"Oh honey, you tried to cook again. That's so sweet of you, but next time, stay away from the kitchen." Dad said kissing mom, gross. I'm not going to describe to you all the details, I'm too young. "I just wanted to surprise you guys, I thought I read the instructions this time, and that pancakes weren't so hard to make, but obviously I was wrong."

"It's okay mommy, I'm sure we can still eat them, I mean, how bad can they be?" She raised an eyebrow before slowly pulling out a plate of pancakes and waffles, oh my Lord Jesus these were uneatable. They weren't just burnt, they cursed, they weren't meant to be eaten.

"How can delicious food always turn themselves into...that when they're around you? We have gotten to get you to a cooking class one day, honestly." I sighed taking the plate from her and dumping it into the garbage can, she is lucky that she has millions of dollars. And that she can eat out everyday, otherwise, she would be in big trouble.

"Well, I'm obviously not going to be cooking anymore. How about we go out to eat?" Mom said grabbing her purse as dad slipped on his shoes, "Yay, I love eating outside of this house!" I ran to daddy as he picked me up and swung me around, "John, set her down, I need to do her hair!"

Katy's P.O.V.

As I was brushing my daughter's beautiful silky hair, a few tears of sorrow leaked out of my eyes. I still can't get over the fact that I was away from her life for a whole eight years, that's not a small number. "Mommy, are you okay?" She asked gently turning around, but I quickly positioned her head back so she wouldn't see that I'm crying.

"Yeah I'm fine, a bug flew into my eye." She seemed to buy it, so I just left it at that. I put her hair up into two pigtails and wrapped my arms around her, god I loved this girl so much! "You put my hair into pigtails, mom!" She said jumping up and down, meaning that she doesn't like it.

"You look cute with them, right John?" Are you serious, he was raiding through my purse again for gum, what's with him and gum these days? "Yeah, um it looks beautiful! Kate, I thought you bought the tropical twist flavored, not the wintermint, I can't find it!"

I sighed and looked at Emily, who fell onto the ground laughing. I walked over and pulled it straight out of my bag and handed it to him with a gentle kiss on the lips, "There you go, honey." I said putting emphasis on the honey, as if I were teasing him.

"Em, let's play a game!" Before I could stop them, they had put the entire pack into their mouth to see who could blow the biggest bubble with 18 pieces of gum stuck together. "You guys are disgusting, now let's get going before the paparazzi show up again."

I swung my purse over my shoulder and walked out the door, Emily and John right behind me, still chewing. Great, now I have to get more. I loved this day already, because there was no paparazzi. Don't get me wrong or anything, I don't hate them because I know I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. But they can get really annoying at times.

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