Chapter 31: My Emily, my baby

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Katy's P.O.V.

Just a few more hours until we have to get going to the airport again, and life couldn't be any worse right now. Emily's still gone, I have no clue where John is because he won't answer any calls and he's not in the house.

I suddenly started crying, letting all my anger finally come out. I felt like the entire world is slowly starting to abandon me, first my daughter that I went through so much to bring her to where she is right now, then my boyfriend just left without telling me where he went.

I wrapped a blanket around myself and continued bawling, not caring if anyone saw the one and only, Katy Perry like this.

Emily's P.O.V.

It finally snapped to me, what Demi said earlier today. I have to go find mom, tell her that I love her. I threw down everything I had and ran back home at the quickest speed I could, which is pretty darn fast. I swung the backdoor open and caught my breath.

I stopped breathing when my ears heard something, it sounded like someone is crying. I walked towards the sound and realized it was in the living room, I dropped my water bottle when I saw who it was.

My mother, huddled up in a blanket, sitting on the couch in a lonely house. This made me remember my childhood life, this is how I spent everyday. I wanted to let her know how I feel, by telling her, but she's my mother, I'm not that cold-hearted.

I walked around the couch and sat down on it, making mom look up suddenly, in tears. My heart started breaking, as much as I hated my mother right now for not telling me that she's not pregnant when I was talking to her back a while away, but she's still the one that brought me into this world, she didn't abort me, or I wouldn't be here today.

"Mom, I'm sorry for overreacting like that. I guess that jealousy just overtook my thoughts and actions, I didn't realize how much I hurt you until Demi told me after you left. I should have found out the truth first, it's just that our mother daughter relationship is finally starting to mend itself, I'm just worried that if you were pregnant, the baby might replace me."

She smiled a bit and cupped my face with her cold hands, "No matter how many children I have, you will always be my baby, because you've definitely changed my every thought I've ever made. We've had such a weird past that's so confusing, I'm just so glad that you're here baby."

She pulled me in for a tight hug and started crying, wow, I must have really hurt her this time. "So you're not pregnant, for now?" She nodded and pulled away, getting off of the couch and walking over to the kitchen. Great, I've messed things up again.

"So um, where's dad?" Before she could answer me, her phone rang. "Sorry, I gotta answer this, it's from Bradford." I nodded and gave her a weak smile, obviously her work is more important than her only daughter, her own daughter. I stared at the red wine she was about to pour for however long she was on the phone, before she walked back, looking very mad and confused.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked as she set her phone down, it took her a while to actually look at me in the eyes. "It's John, he already left for San Francisco." My jaw dropped as she bit her lip, I couldn't see any sadness in her eyes, and I'm seriously starting to wonder why.

"He left again Emily, he not only left me this time, he also left his daughter." She grabbed the nearest thing, which happened to be the wine bottle, and threw it across the room, shattering it and spilling wine all over the room.

"Mom?" Is this still my mother, because the mother I know would never do something like this. "Listen to me Emily, don't ever date anyone until I allow you to understand?" She barked at me, almost spitting.

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