Chapter 17: Let's take a break

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Katy's P.O.V.

"That's his perspective of what really happened. Don't you ever question Katy, why didn't he think when he just left you all alone pregnant? Of course he would tell the more romantic and heart-warming version of the story." I stopped and turned around.

"What do you mean, what do you know?" I asked carefully, then quickly. She grabbed my hand and led me to the couch, "One thing for sure, he did show up that night to the hospital, I have to admit it was quite shocking that he still cared somehow."

Mary's P.O.V.

"John, what are you doing here?" I asked once I spotted him, Katy was in labor and Keith was in the bathroom. "I'm here to see Katy, I heard she's supposed to give birth tonight."

My mouth dropped open, he remembered? And now he decided to show up, this just isn't right in anyway possible. "Where were you when you broke her heart 9 months ago?" I said coldly, "Listen Ms. Hudson, I just really want to see Katy. I'm on my way to Hollywood and I just decided to stop by since I'm passing by..."

"Oh, so you're just stopping by right? So basically she means nothing to you, you took advantage of her without thinking of the consequences at all did you? A baby, that's the outcome of all this. So now you decide to show up, she doesn't want or need you anymore."

"Okay you know what, fine! I don't need her anyways, she's just a low-life who's giving birth at the age of 19, slut."

Katy's P.O.V.

"No, I don't believe a word you said. He wouldn't ever trash talk me like that!" Tears sprung to my eyes, now I didn't know who to believe. Surely John wouldn't do that, would he? Wait, why am I doubting him? But surely my mother wouldn't lie to me, right?

My world was spinning, I thought I had finally repaired up our broken family, but this has taken it to a whole new level. "But I also know that you wouldn't lie to me, what do you want me to do?" I yelled the last part, I hated it when people played these games with me, it get's so fucking annoying.

"Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, I never approved of Russell, and we went through this exact same conversation/argument, and it turned out that your old mother was correct and you ended up getting hurt. Russell was very sweet to you, and so is John, but trust me, it's not going to end well."

She's right, Russell cared for me very well, just like John. Maybe this is all wrong, all messed up. "When what do you suggest I do, remember that I have a 9 year old girl! She needs her daddy, I can't just leave them." I said slamming myself onto the couch.

"Kate, you need to devote more time to your career. Leave John and Emily, I'm sure that they will be just fine without you. You can't let your fans down, they've supported you too much to describe in words. Yes Emily means a lot to you, but once your career is settled down, then come back, she will understand, trust me."

Anger rushed through my body, "Are you saying that I should just leave my everything?" She rolled her eyes and stood up, "They are not your everything, your career is your everything. Katheryn, we've had this conversation once already. Are you not going to listen to me again, then come crying to me months later about how you should have listened to me?"

Fine, she has a point. I threw my hands up in the air, is she trying to break me away from my happiness? "Mom, I know you have a good point here, but...I'm willing to get hurt again." I cannot believe I just said that, "I know I've said this before when I was married, but I know he's not going to hurt me."

"He's not going to hurt you hun, then why on earth were you in the hospital along with your daughter?" Mom yelled, "Because I was being stupid okay? It's not his fault, and if you knew I was in the hospital, why didn't you come visit me? This is my life, I will decide what to do with it. John is a great man, he's Emily's father, I'm not just going to leave them for my career. Wherever I go, they go."

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