Chapter 10: Fame hurts

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Katy's P.O.V.

It's 3 a.m. and I'm still not asleep, I'm so tired, but I just can't seem to get my mind to stop thinking about the past events. I wish John were here right now, he would tell me what to do, and he could give me comfort. Oh shit, he must be so worried right now.

I got out of bed and unlocked my phone, 45 messages, and 30 calls from him, I'm so dead. I walked out of the room and called him, he probably just got up anyways:

J: Katy oh my goodness, thank God you're okay. You're okay, right?

K: I'm fine honey, sorry I couldn't answer any of your calls or texts, was taking care of a few things. Anyways, it's so good to hear your voice again, I miss you so much already!

J: I miss you more babe, are you tired? Goodness, it must be night time over there! You're supposed to be sleeping Kate!

K: I know, I just miss you so much that I cannot fall asleep. Emily sure is sleeping really well.

J: Aww, how's our baby girl doing?

K: She's doing great, and she's quite a handful as well. The paparazzi scared her when we exited the plane today, she started crying and screaming since she had fallen asleep on the plane. I swear I've never hated the paparazzi more in my entire life.

J: They are dicks, they didn't hurt you or her did they?

K: Not physically, it was great hearing your voice again. I'll call you again after the show and Emily can talk to you again?

J: Okay stay safe honey, love you!

K: Love you too, bye.

That wasn't so bad, I guess? As I stood there smiling stupidly, I heard a little cry from inside my room. My first instinct was Emily, so I rushed in to find her crying. How could I have been so stupid, it was as dark as hell in that room! And for a girl to wake up all alone, goodness Katy!

I immediately took her in my arms and rocked her gently, "It's okay baby, I'm right here, you're safe." She stopped crying a few seconds later and crawled out of my lap, "Mommy, you look tired." I smiled at how someone so young could learn to care about her mother.

"Baby I'm not tired, I don't have any makeup on, so that's why." I joked as she threw the covers onto me and pushed me onto the bed, "Sleep mommy!" I couldn't stop laughing, she was treating me as if I were the child, which I sometimes am in this relationship.

"Okay mother." I replied as she laid on top of me, good thing she's light, otherwise, I would have to kick her off. "I love you so much Emily, you know that right?" I said wrapping my arms around her tiny little body, "Yeah, I know that, and I love you too!"

"You have to get off of me first honey!" I laughed as she rolled off, I tucked her in and wrapped my arms around her little fragile body, pulling her close to me. Then it suddenly hit me, this is the first time I've slept with her like this ever since I found her.

"Are you okay with sleeping with me like this?" I asked since I knew she never slept with her foster parents. "I love sleeping with you, it makes me feel so safe and loved." I kissed her forehead and shut my eyes, so many things in my head, and I don't know what to do.

The next morning...

"SHUT UP AND JUST CALL ROOM SERVICE!!" I screamed when Tam and Brad were playfully arguing about whether to go to Carl's Jr. or Starbucks for breakfast. Life never gets boring with these people, constantly arguing nonstop. I grabbed a menu and handed it to Emily.

"Pick anything you want, but you have to be able to finish it okay?" I instructed before throwing those two one. The room service came in and took our orders, Emily ordered for a chocolate chip pancake, Tam ordered a fish pallet, really, for breakfast? Brad ordered a latte and I ordered some waffles and fruit.

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