Chapter 12: Heartbreak warfare

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Emily's P.O.V.

"I want my mommy!" I cried as Taylor just stared at me in the car, I've never hated someone more in my life. Sure I didn't like mom at the second, but she wouldn't ever kidnap me!

I had no idea where we were headed towards, but it's getting really dark and I'm really scared. I'm sure mom isn't even worried that I'm gone, she probably doesn't even know that I'm gone. "Why can't you and mom just make up, so the world can be happy?"

Seriously people, this is the second time I've gotten kidnapped within a month, and all by people that either really love mom, or super hate mom. What is it that the world wants with me? "Sorry honey, I don't think that's ever going to happen."

Just then, a girl turned around in the front seat and I gasped. "Oh Ally, how did you get in the limo?" Taylor asked, wait what? "You know her?" I said shocked, "Yeah, that's Ally, my daughter." She immediately gasped, "What the heck mother, why did you just tell her? No one knows about me?!"

My heart suddenly started pumping 3 times quicker, "So you set this whole thing up didn't you, you knew that this would happened. You knew that Katy would spend time with you, and that I would get jealous, and we would argue and you would end up harming mom!"

"That's all you wanted is to just make her feel bad, she didn't even do anything to you Taylor!" I yelled, but as usual, she didn't look up from her phone. I looked over at Ally, I knew she wasn't good from the start, but mom was just apparently too caught up with all the attention they give her!

"Ally...what an interesting name. Now you're on my bad list." I muttered so quietly I could barely hear myself, both of them were on their phones. And to some content, I kind of felt bad for them. "Is this how your days go by, just by going on your phone? Don't you ever talk to each other about, life?" I asked, I know this feeling, because Katy gives it to me all the time.

"Mind your own business, would you?" Ally said rudely, "But Taylor, don't you and mom ever want to get back together? I mean, you guys were really cute friends, both of you are so famous! What's the point in arguing about a few dancers, you can afford the entire world's dancers if you wanted to." I said gently and cautiously.

I could tell that Taylor was battling with herself, "I don't know, life isn't that simple Emily. This feud has been going on for 2 years already, it isn't just a fight that children have, and then when they want to make up they just do. It's way more complicated, welcome to life."

"Mom talks to me about wanting to get back together with you all the time..." Great, now when Taylor tells mom about this, I'm more than just dead toast. I'm burnt dead toast. She looked up from her phone with teary eyes, "She really does?" I nodded, yep, I'm so dead. Goodbye life.

"She really misses you, just think about it. Wouldn't the world be so happy if you were to become friends again? Why be enemies when you could totally be friends?" Ally also looked very touched, "Yeah mom, Katy isn't really that bad, and neither are you. Just think about it, it would be awesome."

And now, maybe I don't hate Ally quite so much, not just because she's defending me. "Turn the car around, back to the arena." Taylor yelled as the car was suddenly turned around. I feel so proud of myself, I just saved my life and got the worst enemies to become friends again.

I mean, how many 8 year olds can do such things?

Katy's P.O.V.

John wrapped an arm around my waist as we entered into the backstage of the arena, he pulled me closer when my crew appeared. "John honey it's fine, they won't kill me." I joked kissing his cheek. "Yeah, but they lost our daughter and they let you run away. And you could have gotten hurt!"

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