Chapter 20: Daughters

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Katy's P.O.V.

I can't believe she would dare talk to me like that, she doesn't know at all what I went through to get where we are today. Before I could say anything, she stormed out of the door. Once again, how dare she bring up John? He literally separated this family, and she misses him?

She's not human, I walked out of the room and followed her. She's serious, she's actually packing up. "Don't you dare step out of the house, or I will have the security bring you back." I threatened, but she just laughed.

"Oh please Katy, you're not an actual mother are you? Because if you really were a mother, why aren't I afraid of you? All you know is security and fans, what about your daughter that's been waiting years after years hoping that she would get some attention, but you've seriously let her down."

She's not even calling me mom now, I sighed. "You know what, you're completely correct. This is your decision, he is your dad afterall. And I have no right to tell you not to see him because without him, there would be no you right now. So feel free to do whatever you want, I guess me coming back home early this time was a complete waste of my time, so I'm leaving for tour again, right now."

And with that, I turned around and walked calmly back upstairs. Before I could even step up the first staircase, "Wait!" Plan, worked! Point, Katy once again! I turned around and kept a blank face, "Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that."

She says this everytime, "Apology accepted, I'll see you in 6 months."

Emily's P.O.V.

No no no n o no, I can't lose her again! I've only seen her like twice this year, and she's leaving for 6 months because of me. Okay Em, time to play the cutie again, this always works for some weird reason. I quickly ran up the stairs and wrapped my arms around her waist, stopping her from walking any further. "I'm so sorry, please don't leave. A daughter needs her mother, I never see you anymore, I feel so lonely. When I need someone, I always try to call you, in hopes that I could just hear your voice, but I would always fear that I would be interrupting. Please, please don't leave me mommy." I whispered, beginning to cry as I held tightly onto her.

If she let go, then this connection between us, would be truly broken. But she didn't, in fact, she wrapped her arms around me and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead. I sighed with relief, knowing that I'm protected as long as I'm in her arms, as long as I'm with her.

"Sweetheart, I'm never leaving your side ever again. I'm going to make it up to you by first of all, you're coming on tour with me. And I'm going to get you a tutor that could travel with us." I literally fainted with happiness, although I didn't really faint.

"Are you serious, I get to actually travel with you?" I asked jumping up and down, I maybe 14, but I'm still not mature. I mean, look at who's my mother! "Of course, honey. And to make it up to you even more, I willing to take you to see your father."

Wow, I didn't see that one coming out of all the things that might be going through her head right now. Seriously, didn't see that coming. Is she alright, do I need to call an ambulance, I should shouldn't I? "Um, why the sudden change of heart?" I asked almost nervously, I feel like she's luring me into a trap, and her traps are the worst to get caught in, trust me on that one.

I'm always the bait, I almost broke my wrist and butt bone being one of her little minions. And the woman hasn't laughed harder, although she did lose 5 pounds for worrying if I seriously got hurt, but anyhow...

"I'm perfectly fine, it's all because of me that you haven't seen him, so this is my way to say sorry. And yes, I do know where he is because I may have been stalking him a bit." My mouth fell open and her being my mother, knew what I was going to do. So she threw a hand around my mouth, but I still managed to get the words out.

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