Chapter 2: Truth comes out

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Katy's P.O.V.

I cannot believe that my girl is being taken away under my watch! I quickly started running after the car, and since it was night time, there were not other cars, so spotting theirs wasn't that hard. I hid behind the bushes after I finally reached their house, it was surprisingly very close to mine...

I bit myself and pinched myself to strain myself from just storming up to Amy and punching her. Emily was in tears as she got out the car, I wonder what happened in there. That's it, I stood up, put one foot in front of the other and walked over to Emily, who seemed to be very hurt.

She looked up and almost immediately wrapped her arms around my waist, sobbing harder. "It's okay honey, I'm here now." I said rubbing her back, that's when Amy noticed me. "You again, I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter!"

Are we seriously going to have this conversation? "Oh really, because you sure aren't treating her like she's yours. If you're going to keep her, I suggest you start treating her like she means something okay?" I said as Emily whispered, "I don't want to go back with her."

This was the moment where I could take her to live with me, but she is Amy's afterall, I can't just ruin it like that. "Honey, I wish I could take you back to my house, but you...have to listen to your um...mother okay?" It took everything to say that, "You heard the woman, now get inside." I gave Emily the apologetic look before letting go of her.

"I'll see you again, I promise." I said only loud enough for myself to hear. I grabbed Amy's arm and pulled her aside once Emily got inside safely, "You have to tell her sometime, you do realize that right?" I said as she just rolled her eyes. "I raised her for 8 years, I can do anything I want to her. Where were you those past years hun? Throwing your daughter away for your stupid career to make people love you when they don't know the real you, trying to tear apart a perfectly happy family."

"Oh really, based on what Emily told me about you and your husband a while ago, I'm really doubting that you guys are the perfect happy family." There is no way I'm letting Emily stay with her tonight, who knows what Amy might do to her if I leave, which I won't without my baby girl by my side.

I walked past her and walked into the house, she's probably in her room. I ran upstairs and pressed my ear to the door that had crying inside, "Emily sweetie, can you let me in please?" I asked gently so I wouldn't scare her. The crying stopped and there were a series of shuffling before the door clicked, revealing a very red-eyed Emily.

"Oh baby, come here." She didn't wait another second before running into my arms. "I really don't want to stay here Katy, she's going to kill me." I sighed, I have to take her with me, she is my daughter after all. "How about you come with me tonight, and once your mom calms down we can bring you back okay?"

Emily's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, Katy Perry wants a random stranger girl to say over with her. Why does she care so much about me anyways, it's not like I mean anything to her. "Won't I be a distraction to your singing though?" I asked making her giggle.

"Oh no honey, you never were and you never will be." She gasped a little and that just made me confused, what does she mean by I ne'er was a distraction to her? I decided to ask about it later, because a storm is charging towards us at one o'clock. Katy immediately grabbed my arm and pulled me behind her, I loved it when she did that, it made me feel so protected.

"I know why you are so attracted to Katy, and let me tell you why." I could see Katy's face turn pale, what on earth was happening here? "Never mind me, why don't you tell her everything." Mom said to Katy, I looked up at her, "What does she mean Katy?"

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