Chapter 23: Alex

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Author's note: This is the quickest I've ever updated a chapter, I know you'll probably just hate me more after this chapter, but hope you like it anyways!  I've tortured you guys way too much, get ready for more :)

Katy's P.O.V.

I immediately opened my eyes when the smell of mozzarella flew into my nose, I yanked off the covers and flew downstairs. I'm still never going to believe that I actually have wings, and that I got out of bed all by myself! I saw Delilah bringing up a large plate of braised leeks with mozzarella and fried eggs onto the counter.

"That is so beautiful, you even have the name of the dish!" I said reading the name, "You really think I'm only serving you one dish for breakfast, turn around." I gasped when I saw a whole counter of breakfast. "Delilah, how early do you wake up in the morning?"

"Oh don't worry, I don't make the dishes, I only help your automatic stoves do it. You better go and eat up, don't want to be late for Mariah now do you?" I nodded and sat down as she scooped me some of each: blackberry brie omelet, chilled blueberry soup, alfred hitchcock's quiche lorraine, cherry macadamia nut pancakes and scrambled eggs with wild rice.

Heaven actually isn't so bad after all, it's just the dying process is what everyone's afraid of. After eating for about 10 minutes, Delilah handed me my bag and threw me out of the door after complaining about how slow I eat. Mariah was already waiting for me outside and the moment she saw me, she gasped.

"Delilah, you let her out in her pajamas?" I widened my eyes and looked down, I turned around to go change but with a wave of her hand, the pajamas were replaced with a beautiful blue dress that covered my feet. My height increased after heels appeared and my hair curled itself all the way down to my back.

"Wow, this is so amazing!" I said waving goodbye to Delilah and flying into the air, "We're going to have to give you flying lessons." Mariah said sighing, I chuckled slightly. We reached a huge palace made out of solid diamond, how is heaven so rich?

She handed me a map and then disappeared, "Oh great, I get to learn about how to brain functions now joy!" I said sarcastically before flying to that classroom, it actually wasn't that hard to find, only took me half an hour. The day passed on and so did lunch.

It was so boring, the only class I actually looked forward to was love. And when I finally sat down at that classroom, I smiled not knowing what was about to come. I found my seat and sat down, "Mariah?" I asked weirdly when she walked into the classroom.

"Oh hello Katy, don't think of it as me stalking you, I teach this class." Well that makes things a whole lot less awkward, hint the sarcasm! "Good afternoon class, I am Mariah and I will be teaching this class. The topic called love is very vague, but I have some interesting lessons planned for you guys."

Wow, interesting hun? "First of all, you're going to be doing a project with the opposite sex. I will partner you up first, then you guys will get together and that's when I'm going to explain the project guidelines." Oh dear, here it comes. "Katy, you will be with Alex." I turned to the direction she was pointing at and my eyes widened.

He was by far the most interesting man I've seen here, every single feature of him was absolutely gorgeous and well done. John's handsome, but he's nothing compared to Alex. Oh no, I can't believe this but I think I may be already attracted towards him!

He smiled and walked over to me, "You guys will have 5 minutes to talk to each other, get to know each other better and begin." I smiled when he pulled a chair and sat down next to me. "You have really beautiful wings, Katy." I blushed, even his voice was perfect.

"Thank you." I replied, why am I so embarrassed around him goodness! "What's such a beautiful woman like you doing in heaven, shouldn't you be enjoying your life?" He's so gentle and handsome, no one could top this. "I um, love didn't go the way I planned for it go."

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