Chapter 22: My love

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Emily's P.O.V.

"Shannon, I need your help now!" I said breaking her front door open and running in, she choked on the apple she was gnawing on and stared at her door. "You broke my door again, Em I swear this is like the 15th door you've broken this year!" Okay now she's exaggerating, I've only broken 14!

"Oh forget about your door, Katy and I got in this huge fight at dad's concert and she fainted!" She stood up so sudden that she had to stable herself by setting her hand on the counter, "You were at his concert, what and when? And why did she faint, and don't break down my door next time!"

I rolled my eyes, "I just got mad at her again, we were just sharing this beautiful mother-daughter moment, then out of the blues, I forgot what happened, and we just started shouting at each other! Then I may have called her an arrogant, selfish bitch and she fainted when I was on my way out to find you. Then dad jumped off of the stage and ran backstage with her unconscious."

Her jaw dropped and she immediately shoved me aside and flicked open the tv, "That's weird, no news on this yet. Usually, the paps would have already been reporting on news this big that happens, yet nothing?" She sighed and put her hands on her hips, facing me.

"Shan look, it's not what you think it is." And that's when she exploded, "You do realize that John already went through this once, now you've put him to go through this a second time. Katy tried killing herself numerous times when she lost you, she became famous for you, to find you! And then you call her a bitch, how do you think she's gonna feel?"

"But she left me for 5 years, and she forbade me to see dad. That's something, don't you think?" I argued back. "If I lose my best friend, if John loses his Katy, and if the world loses their Katy Perry, I'm never going to forgive you." And with that, she stormed out of the door.

"Oh and you're grounded for 2 months, in your room that's in my house, now scram." I spun around, "You can't ground me, you're not my mother!" I spat rudely. "Then who is, Katy?" What's that supposed to mean, my expression softened as she scoffed.

"Well apparently you have no mother now Em, you probably lost Katy and you definitely just lost me." She walked over the broken door and got into her car, before pulling away. I can't believe this, what if mom really is in danger, wait, which mom? Wait what am I saying ugh!

John's P.O.V.

We got out of the ambulance and Katy was rushed into a room almost immediately, the doctors surrounded her and injected a bunch of syringes into her. But what I finally understood, is that they couldn't find a heartbeat. "Katy no, you can't leave me!" I said finally beginning to lose it.

They started giving her CPR, but after about 5 minutes of doing everything they could, still no heartbeat. "We're very sorry Mr. Mayer, we'll give you some time." I was frozen, you couldn't tell if I was a real human or a statue right now. Then seconds later, everything I saw turned black.

Katy's P.O.V.

"John!" I cried as I saw John faint, then swarms of doctors surrounded him and tried to revive him. I can't believe I actually died, and made John faint. I turned around at Mariah, how could she have no emotion towards this? "Mariah, please wake him up! He doesn't deserve this." I sobbed.

"Oh don't worry about him, I'm going to have him sleep for a while longer because if he woke up right now, he'd just freak out since you died." Wait, so she caused this? "So he's not hurt?" She smiled and shook her head, a sigh of relief came from me.

I know she's staring at me, but I didn't bother to look at her. "Now you know how he felt when you left him, not easy, is it?" I'm really not in the mood for this kind of talk, I don't care if he made the world's biggest mistake, I just want to hear him talk to me again!

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