Chapter 38: Lost and Found

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Katy's P.O.V.

After having a complete meltdown for the past 3 hours, I finally decided to do something about it. So here I am, sitting on a plane flying out to London with John. Shannon had to go back to filming the last season of Raising Hope, so she couldn't come with us.

But this is a great opportunity for John and I to finally have some alone time, the last time we were alone was...never ago. "Babe, wake up, we're in London." John said gently shaking my shoulders, wow, I must have dozed off.

"Are you feeling better hun?" I nodded and pecked his lips before standing up, Emily's concert is in 5 hours, so we've gotten plenty of time. I know Emily probably doesn't want to see me, but I'm her mother, and I want to see her so she'll just have to deal with that.

John wrapped an arm around my waist as we stepped foot into the airport, the paparazzi have been crazy lately, ever since Emily and I "split" to be exact. I ducked my head and tried to avoid hearing what they're saying, but it's always no use:

"You guys are back together!"

"Going to search for Emily aren't we, looking very sexy."

"Doesn't Emily not want to see you? Why are you still seeing her?"

I clenched my fists as we finally reached the limo waiting for us outside, John gently rubbed my back once we got in. "It's alright Kate, don't listen to a thing they're saying, they're all dickheads, no doubt about that for sure."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, they are. So where are we headed towards now?" I asked, resting my head onto his chest. "We are going to Taco Bell to eat up, then we're headed towards Emily. We're aiming to meet her before the show starts, or during if that's possible."

I didn't care what I had to do, I just wanted to hold her and tell her how much I miss her. I really do miss my baby, I miss her and love her with all my heart, if only she knew...

"Hey, don't do this to yourself alright? Emily loves you and I'm sure she misses you as well, she needs you, she knows that she can't do this on her own, you're an amazing mother Katy." I smiled and kissed him, I missed everything about him.

"I love you so much John, we barely have any time for each other now. It's ironic because we had more time for each other during our worldwide tours but not after them..." I laughed as he rubbed my thighs, something that always ignites the sparks within me.

I'm coming for you Emily...mommy's coming.

Emily's P.O.V.

"I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT MY MOM!!!" I screamed in Abby's face, that's when I broke down and started crying. We were in backstage right now, this is my first concert, my mom probably isn't even going to watch it.

I'm currently sitting on the couch crying, just having another meltdown. They were trying to put makeup on me, but it obviously wasn't working. I just wanted Katy, the way she would soothe me with her calming, comforting words, I missed that so much.

Abby sighed and crouched down so she was eye-level with me, "Em, this concert is going to happen, I know you're hurting right now, but you have to do this. Everyone is looking forward to this, you can't just cancel it. Please Em, you can do this, we all believe in you."

I wiped my tears away with the back of my hands and nodded, she's right, whether I had mom or not, this concert is still going to happen. "See, you can already hear all the screams, people are already filling the arenas and there's still 5 hours until the show. Imagine how excited they are to meet you!"

I sighed and sat up straight, "Alright then, start the makeup." Abby smiled and motioned for my makeup artists to come over, which they gladly did and began putting makeup on me.

Katy's P.O.V.

"Finally, we're at the arena! Darn it's so crowded here already." I muttered to myself as my security guards led us backstage, there's only an hour left until showtime, funny how time can pass so quickly when you don't want it to.

Everyone's jaws fell when they saw John and me appear, but there's still no sign of Emily. So I walked over to the nearest person, "Hi, do you know where Emily is?" She turned around and gasped.

"Wow, you're actually here? She's going to be so happy, I'm Abby, her personal assistant." I smiled and shook her hand, "How has she been, Abby?" I asked, knowing I probably wouldn't hear the answer I wanted to.

She sighed and pulled me aside, "Katy, she's one hour til showtime and she's still in the bathroom crying. We put some makeup on her, but she's cried and smudged it all, we're worried, there are already so many people out there and I don't think this show is happening at this rate."

I smiled a bit, knowing the reason why she was crying, well hopefully I do. "Let me talk to her, meanwhile, can you guys get her makeup and costumes ready?" She smiled and ran away as I turned towards the bathroom.

I pressed my ear to the door and heard silent sobs, yep, that's definitely my daughter. If only she knew her mother was only one door apart from her, I took a deep breath before knocking gently on the door.

"I told you to go away Abby, goodness!" My eyes widened, "Em sweetheart, it's Katy..." It suddenly became so silent that you could hear a feather drop, "Mommy's here babe, mommy really misses you, please open this door." I said as tears ran down my cheeks.

The door slowly opened, Emily's face appearing. She had tears running down her cheeks, her eyes were bloodshot and she looked like a zombie, no offense babe. I slowly walked into the bathroom, never breaking eye contact with her.

"Em..." I said in a really hurt voice, the next thing I knew, she threw herself at me, almost knocking me over, although she literally did shove me backwards into the door. "Mom I'm so sorry, I miss you so much I can't do this..." She broke into another round of sobs.

I quickly wrapped my arms around her fragile little body, "You don't have to do this on your own honey, that's why I came here. You should never have to be on your own ever again, I lost you once and I'm never losing you again hun." I said planting a long and meaningful kiss on her forehead.

"I'm so sorry mom, I didn't mean to..." I smiled, "You are my baby Em, you are the only baby I'm ever going to have, I promise you that." She smiled and buried her head into my chest. "I love you sweetie, which means we are going to do this concert together, alright?"

She nodded as we walked out of the bathroom, "I will be here by your side, every single step of your journey. I won't ever leave you again." Emily looked up at me with her beautiful, blue-greyish eyes and nodded.

I lost her many times, but I also found her many times. Together, as mother and daughter, we can accomplish basically anything we want. She's my princess, and John's little girl, no matter where she goes or what she plans to do with her life, we will be there for her forever.

Author's note: Sorry that was so short and boring. I had to reunite them so quickly because of my new story Unconditional Love, I have to work on that now, and I'm not really a good multi-tasker.

So please check out that story, and I hope you enjoyed this one! See you there babes!

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