Chapter 35: New York, new life

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Emily's P.O.V.

After walking for what seemed like hours, I finally reached something that looked normal. The closer I got, the more it seemed like a park. But there's this strange sound coming from it, and soon enough, I realized it was a woman on the ground, crying and screaming.

My face fell when I saw who it is, my mother. The person who betrayed me, that broke this one promise I ever made her make, my mother, Katy. This is what she deserves, I should just leave or better yet, watch her suffer, because this is what she gets.

But I'm not that kind of person, she's my mother and she brought me to this world after all. I walked over, "Are you okay, why are you..." She looked up and immediately pulled me into an embrace, I awkwardly wrapped my arms around her.

"Em, I'm so sorry, I should have told you or better yet, I should have never gotten pregnant, please forgive me. I'm so sorry." I sighed, it's like this every single time, why is it like this all the time? "We'll talk about this later, but we've gotten to get you to the hospital right now, you're coughing up blood and it's all over me now."

Oh gross, my shirt is soaked with blood. I guess I'm still emotionless towards her, but I've been getting better. Just when I was about to call dad, a car came rushing towards us. My first instinct was to protect my mom, I dived in front of her and held my arms out.

But the car stopped and two figures came running towards us, dad and Shannon. "Emily, what's going on!" Shannon yelled as dad scooped mom up, who was still screaming while clutching onto her stomach. "I think something's wrong with the baby." He replied.

I held onto Shan as dad ran back to the car with mom in his arms, she seemed so weak and so lifeless, she didn't even have the energy to talk! And it's all probably because of me, she probably came out here to find me, but this all started because of her!

"This doesn't look good..." Shan suddenly muttered into my hair as dad was loading mom into the car, "Why?" I asked, lifting up my head strangely. "Because there's blood on your mom's pants, and she's pregnant." It took me a while to process what she meant, and once I did, I wish I hadn't.

My hands clasped over my mouth, "No no no no no! As much as I hate that baby, I didn't..." Shan left go of me and just looked at me, disappointed. "Are you happy now? Once Katy finds out about this, she's going to be heartbroken, if she hadn't come out here chasing you, this would have never happened! You as her daughter should have been happy for her, but instead, you were justing be selfish."

Tears forced their way out of my eyes, "Shan please don't leave..." I said, beginning to break and crumble. She turned around and scoffed, "I have to be there for my friend when she finds out, I don't want her to die because of you again."

There, she finally said it. That pushed the last of my nerves, "Well for your information, I shouldn't even care about Katy because she's not my mother! She never raised me, so why would she try and change the way I view the world?!" I screamed.

She just ignored me and hopped into the car, before they pulled off, leaving me alone once again, in the dark. I fell to the ground, crying, if there's one thing that I learned from all this, is that I should have never given up the chance to become a famous pop star.

I gave up so much for her, but she couldn't give up anything for me, she couldn't even wait two more days before getting pregnant. When she had the tour opportunity, and I asked to go with her, she said no because I would be a distraction to her performing.

"Fine, you want the evil girl to appear, then evil girl it is." And with that, I looked around the park and found a car that looked pretty nice. I grabbed a stone and threw it into the driver's window, alarms instantly went off. But I couldn't give a damn, I unlocked the car and started it by connecting the wires.

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