Chapter 16: Unpleasant surprises

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John's P.O.V.

I cannot believe I just ran into one of my ex-girlfriends today! I think I dated her for the longest period of time, 3 years maybe, I think so. Victoria is a very sweet woman, but I broke up with her when I found her making out with another guy. Turns out they were both drunk, but that's not a very good excuse.

Once I paid for Emily's ice cream, I walked back to her. "Hey, are you ready? How about daddy take you for some shopping, and meanwhile, we could get mommy something?" My heart belongs to Katy now, yes I once loved Victoria, but that was the past, I have no feelings for her now.

"Okay, let's go. Oh, can we buy mommy a present?" She gasped jumping up and down, "Of course, that's what we're going to!" I picked her up and we walked back out to the car, after what seemed like hours, I finally pulled out of the driveway, stupid paparazzi.

"So, what do you want to get mommy?" I asked, trying to make some conversation. I know she's still shocked from all the incidents that's happened, so as a father, I'm gonna do my best to reverse that shock. "I don't know, how about let's get her a tea?"

"I think she would love that idea, and hey, just remember that mommy and I love you with all our hearts okay?" I looked in the mirror and noticed that she was silently blushing, aren't kids just so adorable when they silently blush? "And how about in the meantime, we go get some junk food?"

"Oh my gosh really?" She squeaked, I smiled and nodded. "Well only for today, since a lot of sad things happened today so we could use some happy things right? But you can't tell mom, oh wait, your mother is the queen of junk food so who cares!"

"Yay, who cares about her! As long as we get her something, she won't complain." She joked, "Look at you go sweetie, you know your mother so well!" She laughed as well, "Well, she is my mommy."

I parked the car and sighed when the paparazzi surrounded the car once again, "Baby, I'm so sorry you have to go through this daily." I said from my heart, "It's okay, I actually like the paparazzi." Now we're going somewhere, "Um...can I ask why?" They are such dickheads, how could such a beautiful little girl like them?

"Because every time we encounter them, you guys always either hold me or bring me very close to you. It's a very nice feeling, I don't get it too often from Amy." Noted, Katy and I should definitely give her more attention, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have 6 children and they still do such a wonderful job!

While Kate and I have only one, and she's already 9, and we still are failing desperately. "Okay, well, how about we have more of the paparazzi moment?" I said as I scooped her up with one arm, her giggling the entire time. She sounds so much like her mother when she giggles, like mother like daughter.

She snuggled herself into my chest and started laughing, this girl is so precious, I can't believe I almost lost her because of my stupidity. My arm was tightly wrapped around her the entire time, not wanting any harm to come to her at all. We made it into Taco Bell and I continued to hold her, I missed her.

"What would you like sweetie?" I asked, she stared at the menu for a few seconds, "Crunchy taco supreme please." I chuckled knowing that was Katy's absolute favorite, "Alright, anything you want." I ordered a Fiery doritos locos tacos supreme, fancy I know.

It's so cheap here at Taco Bell, and the food is so amazing, I don't get why. "Let's just get mommy something from Teabo, she loves that place. Actually, she loves every place that has food." I said sitting down at a table with Emily, she jumped out of my arms and ran to her seat.

"Can I meet Demi Lovato one day?" She asked shyly, I'm guessing she's a fan of Demi? Katy and I have met her many times, and Katy's great friends with Demi, so easy phone call. "Of course Emily, do you like her?" She nodded her head vigorously and almost fell out of her chair.

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