Chapter 30: Complications

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Katy's P.O.V.

I didn't say a single word as I walked downstairs, I had managed to stop the tears before I reached John. He didn't need to know about this, he has enough on his mind anyways. We're going to stay at our house in Los Angeles for tonight, then we're heading out to San Francisco tomorrow morning.

I'm not going to bother even trying with Emily anymore, at least for today. I need a break, and I think she needs one as well. Hopefully our heads will be cleared enough before tomorrow, otherwise, John's really going to think something's up.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a glass, before pouring some red wine into it. John came in seconds later and looked at me, confused. "Um Kate, are you okay?" I sighed, I never drank wine unless something's wrong with me, way to cover yourself up.

"I'm fine, I just needed something." I set the cup back down onto the counter and headed towards the living room, but I should have known that John would stop me, because he did. He extended one arm to block off the entrance to the living room.

"I know something's wrong with you, and not just because you're drinking wine on a regular day." He said, stroking my cheek with the pad of his thumb. I sighed and turned around to face him, "Nothing's wrong, I just needed some energy boosting from all those plane hours."

"You do realize that you are probably the worst liar on the planet, right?" He said placing a kiss on my neck, "You can trust me Kate, I only want what's best for you. I really hate seeing you like this..." Yeah, why am I not telling him what's bothering me?

"It's just, I know you're really tired right now and I don't want to add to your pile of already complicated enough things." It looked as if I had just slapped him, "Katy, you are my world. I always will have time for you, I just want to see you laughing and smiling at all times. I'm always going to be here for you whether you want me to or not, so please, tell me what's wrong, you're really starting to scare me."

He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, making me melt into his touch. "Please Kate, let me in, don't keep shutting me out." I shut my eyes, just enjoying this moment right now. "Emily's ignoring me, telling me to start being there for her like the other celebrity mothers."

He unwrapped his arms from me, leaving me in the cold air again. "She's just really confused right now, she needs time. You're the best mother anyone could ever have Katy, you need to start believing that. Emily loves you, and you know teenagers, they're constantly under stress and keeping secrets, it's going to take some time since you just came back into her life you know?"

I nodded before finishing the rest of my wine, "Then what do you suggest I do?" I asked, putting the glass in the dishwasher and starting it along with some other dirty plates. "Go talk to her, she wants that but she's just not admitting it. She wants a mother daughter relationship as much as you want one, but someone has to start it, and that's normally the mother."

Why is he always correct? "John..." I didn't know what to say except for nod, "Alright then, I'll go work this out. But If I'm not back within 5 minutes, call the police." He chuckled before I exited the kitchen, and up the stairs, to my hell, unless this all works out, which I highly doubt it will.

I knocked on her door, "Emily, look I know you're mad at me, but I think we need to talk this out first." I said gently, in a motherly voice. No answer. I became furious and kicked the door open, worrying about it later, this needs to be solved.

I gasped, she isn't in her room and the window is open. I screamed, a scream filled with anger, shock and more anger. Did she seriously run away, this is literally the worst time she could run away.

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