Chapter 18: I will love you

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John's P.O.V.

I got up and walked over to the door half-asleep, Shannon stood there looking half angry and half confused. Without saying a word, she pushed me aside and stormed into the house. "Welcome?" I said more confused than her now, she wasn't like this when we were on the phone.

She dropped herself onto the couch and I could feel her stares burning into my soul, "Do you have any idea where Katy is, don't you at all care that she and Emily could be in big trouble, it's past midnight and you're just calling me, what good is that gonna do?" She said.

"What do you know?" I said locking the door, "I gave her a call and she said that she's taking Emily back to the house, so you two, are gonna talk it out and I'm not leaving until you and Katy are back to normal." My mouth fell open, Katy's coming back here?

"Did you tell her that I'm here?" She shook her head, but why? "And if you guys don't make it, then I'm not going to the bathroom. And just an FYI, I really have to go." I face-palmed myself, why do things always get so awkward when I'm around this woman?

Just then, the door opened revealed a worn out Katy carrying an asleep Emily. She didn't even notice that the lights were on, because she was too busy trying to shut the door and take off her shoes. Shannon gave me the go help her look, I didn't. But after a few seconds, she had that I'm gonna kill you if you don't go help her right now look, so I gave in.

"Here, I got her." Katy jumped and almost dropped Emily when she turned around and saw me, but she looked relieved when I took Emily out of her arms. That's when she noticed Shannon, who had just turned on the television. She knew there was going to be an argument between us, because she has the volume on really loud.

I carried Emily upstairs and tucked her into bed, "Daddy?" She asked weirdly opening one eye, "Hey baby, you're home now and mommy is downstairs okay?" She nodded and I planted a kiss on her forehead before leaving her room and walking back downstairs.

Katy's P.O.V.

Could this night get any weirder, why on earth is Shannon here?  Once John disappeared upstairs, I walked in front of the TV. "Care to explain what's going on here?" I asked putting my hands on my hips rudely, I'm not in the best mood right now.

"Oh yeah, so John called me and told me that you guys had this fight and I decided to come over.  And you and John are going to talk this out, you know I hate it when people are mad at each other." I threw my hands up into the air, "Woodward, I'm not in the mood to even hear his name right now, us becoming one isn't going to happen okay?"

"Ugh yes it is, because I'm not leaving until it happens." She quoted with her fingers, sometimes, I really hate this woman. But then again, she's just trying to get me happy again, and I appreciate that. John appeared in the living room and my heart started pounding when we made eye contact.

"Well, I'm going to be in the kitchen raiding your fridge again?" Shannon said trying to get our attention, but neither John nor I stopped staring at each other. "I'm going to take money out of your purse and buy myself junk food!?" Still no reaction from the two of us, "You know whatever, I'm going to burn the house down."

"Are you two serious, ugh!" She finally gave in and stormed away playfully, what's with her and destroying things now?   I'm the one that should be throwing John out of a window right now, that's how much I hate him.  Yet she had to intrude and get us this close together, but this technically is his house as well.

I broke the eye contact and sat onto the couch, hearing John sigh.  He walked over and sat down across from me, good, he knows to keep his distance from me. He opened his mouth to speak, "Don't even try John, I said I'm done with you and no one can get me to love you again." And with that, I walked back into the kitchen to see Shannon making a smoothie.

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