Chapter 3: Telling the world

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Katy's P.O.V.

I've never seen Tamra this speechless before, and to an extent, it kind of frightened me a bit. "Um Tam...this is Emily, my daughter." Her mouth was still wide-open, and so was Bradford's. "So you're trying to tell me that the whole time while we were worrying out guts out trying to find you, that you were celebrating and being happy? Why didn't you answer any of our calls or texts?"

"I was crying in the bathroom at the time, I found her at like midnight last night in the park crying." Her expression softened as she came up and embraced me, "I'm so happy that you found her Kate, but next time," She said word after word.

"Okay, I will...Emily, this is my assistant, Tamra, and my manager, Bradford." Emily just smiled, I guess she's not too familiar to them yet, she's like a little puppy sometimes. "Hey Emily, wow, you look so much like your mother!" Tam said bending down so she was eye-level with Em, "Everyone says that." She laughed.

"You are so adorable, let's hope that when you grow up, you won't become as stubborn as your mother okay?" My smile dropped, "Hey!" John chuckled from behind and rubbed my back, "We can ALL hope on that one." Okay, now my mouth was completely open.

"You guys are so mean!" I pouted my lips and plopped myself onto the couch, seconds later, Emily jumped next to me. "It's okay mommy, I still love you." That's the first time she's ever said that she loves me, and I was so taken back that I think I made Emily think of it the other way.

"I'm so sorry, that was too soon..." I immediately gathered her in my arms, "No, it's never too soon for a daughter to say I love you to a mother. I love you too honey, so, so much." Then, she planted a sweet little kiss onto my cheek before giggling and running off, she always makes me smile.

She ran to John and he picked her up and swung her around, their laughter echoing the house. Tamra and Bradford were just standing there, watching, with big smiles on their faces. This truly was a beautiful father daughter moment, if only Emily knew.

"Last one to my room is a rotten egg!" Emily yelled as she dashed up the stairs, "Oh no you don't!" John yelled, running after her. I sighed and walked over to the two, "So, what are we doing today?" I asked Tam, who pulled her phone out. "You have a meet and greet to go to in less than 2 hours."

"Oh fuck." Tam eyed me, which made me remember that she hated it when I used that kind of language around her. "We have to get your makeup and all done, so we need to head to the studio now, and then to the meet and greet station." I nodded.

"Um...can Emily and John come, or..." I paused, "Do you want the world to know about Emily? Does she know that John is her father?" She looked very serious, and I could understand why. "I would like the world to know, this way, in case Amy tries something, the world can know and protect her if I'm not around. And no, I'm going to tell her later...she needs to like and trust him enough first."

"Alright then, we can leave her backstage during the great, and I will get an interview on Ellen's for you can tell the world, tonight." I smiled and ran upstairs to find Emily using my lipstick to draw all over John's face, let's put it this way, she is a really, really bad artist, no offense sweetie.

"Mommy look, he looks so ugly!" I couldn't help but laugh at the way she phrased it, "Oh come on, I don't look that ugly do I?" He asked planting a long kiss on her cheek, making her go all eww...then screaming after seeing a lipstick mark on her face.

"Guys listen up, you are coming with me to the Meet and Greet, but you're staying backstage. Tamra got an interview for me on Ellen's tonight so we can tell the world about you." I said towards Emily, who jumped up and down. "Yay! Do I get to meet your Katycats?" She asked.

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