Chapter 36: Payback time

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Author's note: Everyone check out Awakened by slatykaty!  I'm seriously addicted to it because it's my life now -tears-.  

Katy's P.O.V.

I slowly opened my eyes to see John rushing towards me, "Baby you're awake, thank goodness. How are you feeling?" A small smile crept its way to my face, I always felt protected, I never had a doubt about this man.

"I feel better, why did my stomach start hurting?" I asked weirdly, putting my hand over my lower stomach. John's eyes filled with tears and I looked over to Shannon confused, she also seemed like she was about to cry. "John, what's going on?" I asked, a bit impatient.

"Kate, please don't freak out when I tell you okay? You've been unconscious for two days and I don't want this to trigger you again." I nodded and he bit his lip, this must be really bad, it takes a lot for him to cry.

"Our baby's gone." Then everything started to make sense, I was only in a dress and pregnant women aren't supposed to run or go through too much of an emotional state. But since I was so worried about Emily, I chased after her and the cold must have got to me.

I froze and just stared at the blank wall, absolutely no emotions. I lost this baby because of Emily, didn't I? "Katy? Are you okay?" John asked putting his hand on my back, I've never felt this much anger towards her before. But before I could say anything, the TV suddenly popped open with the latest news.

Looks like we have a new pop star on the rise! Emily Mayer was spotted in New York just today all by herself? She headed towards the recording studio and it seems like she's about to launch her career with the song she stored with Carl!

Stay in tuned for more information, the paparazzi are doing everything they can to get some flashes of her! But she's already doing pretty well hiding from them, wish her and them luck!

That honestly did not help, so she kills this baby, then she goes to launch her career? I'm not letting her get the best of me this time, she's not getting that career because I didn't get my baby, all because of her.

I threw the covers off of me and yanked off all the tubes, when they tried to grab me, I simply shoved them away and ran out the hospital. I haven't said a single word the entire time since I found out, she's going to pay for what she's done, every single little bit of it.

"Katy wait! You're unstable, you can't risk yourself now! You need to rest." John said grabbing my waist, "I already lost the baby, what else can happen right? She killed this baby and she thinks she can just get away with it, and go get her career and blame it on me for not allowing it to happen years ago, and then she just leaves here to New York without telling any of us? I may not have raised her, but this is just unacceptable! She needs to learn that this is not okay, and I'm not gonna stop until she does."

And with that, I pushed myself away from him and ran out the hospital doors, with them right behind me of course. I called over a taxi and got it, "John you have money right?" I asked as I told the driver to go to LAX, he nodded as soon as Shannon came in, he pulled off.

"Kate, don't make yourself go through all of this. We can always try again, you're still so young." I finally let the tears fall out of my eyes, "I knew she'd get angry, but I can't believe it, I just can't! She was supposed to be happy for me, I already told her that I'd never replace her even if I were to get pregnant!"

Shannon wrapped an arm around me, "Hey, everything's going to be okay. Just like when you were on tour and you still haven't found Em, we told you everything would work out and there you go, you found Emily. This might just take a bit more time, but it's gonna be okay, trust me."

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