Chapter 14: Impossible

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Tam's P.O.V.

When you are in a stage like me, there's really nothing left for you to say or do.  "We have to tell John about this, if we don't, it's not going to be too pretty if he finds out about this by himself." Shannon nodded and I dialed his number, he should be finished with his show by now.

J: Oh hi Tam.

T: John, listen closely, and don't freak out. Katy tried to kill herself and now she only has a 2% chance of surviving, your daughter found out that her mother tried to commit suicide and now is also in the emergency room because she herself tried to end her life.

J: WHAT!? You expect me to be calm, you're funny. Text me the address, I'm coming.

T: I thought you said that you were going to find someone new, someone who appreciated and cared for you.

J: You know that I didn't mean that.

T: Well Katy sure thought of it that way, because she got so sad that she tried ending her life because of YOU! And now thanks to you, Emily may never have a mother again! You know what, just get your ass over here.

I ended the conversation and texted him the address of the hospital, "Shannon, just a warning. You might have to chain me up when he arrives, because if I'm not chained up, I'm going to literally tear him up into pieces." I said gripping my phone, this hatred isn't going away soon.

John's P.O.V.

I threw my phone across the room and yelled fuck! I can't believe this is happening, how could I have said that to her? How could I have been so careless? So let me get this straight, when I was performing happily, they were in the hospital crying?

A few tears of anger leaked out of my eyes, as much as I'm mad at her right now, I still love her. And that love will never end, "Guys, I'm leaving. Katy and Emily are both in the ER, I have to go see them." As if right on cue, the news popped open.

Pop star Katy Perry and her daughter, Emily, found at the local emergency hospital. Have all your fingers crossed for these two ladies, because Ms. Perry only has a 2% chance of making it out alive.

Stay strong Katycats, she's a fighter and we all know it.

Meanwhile, all the airports are closed due to a terrible blizzard, so please make other plans to get to your destinations.

"NOOOO!!! This can't be happening, I need to see them! If it weren't for me, I would still be with them right now. No, Katy had to go through another heartbreak and this time, she actually tried committing suicide." I slid down the couch, crying.

"Hey, just think of it this way, once the blizzard ends, you'll see them!" Troy, my manager comforted. "This is all my fault, I might be too late already!" I slid down the couch and just cried, I swear that if anything happens to them, I'm going to kill myself.

"Don't think of it that way John, just stay positive. I mean, it's Katy Perry! She's fought so much pain already, she can and will make it through this one, believe me, I know." Carl said putting his hand on my shoulder, "Thanks bro, but I promised her and myself that I would keep her safe, but...I did the exact opposite."

"John, try calling Tamra again, let her keep you updated." Ben said handing me my phone, how on earth is it not cracked? I threw it across the room and it slammed against a concrete wall! "But I just called her, she's going to get mad at me."

"So you'd rather protect yourself rather than care about Katy's life?" When you put it that way, it makes me feel guilty Troy! "Why would she try to take away her life, sure I hurt her, but still!" Why am I blaming this on her, oh my goodness John get yourself together for fucks sake!

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