Chapter 9: Confident

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John's P.O.V.

How could I have been so stupid? Why did I make her feel that way, I hate myself not only because we can't find where she is right now, but also because I was being pathetic. LAX is huge, there's no way we could ever track her down within 30 minutes.

Tam was struggling with Emily and Katy's bags, Brad and I were searching for her. "Brad, go help Tam with the cases and get them onto the plane, tell them we're going to be late. I'll search for Katy." He nodded and ran away, I'm in the middle of nowhere!

"Excuse me, have you seen Katy Perry here?" I asked a girl who was on her phone, "I'm sorry, no." When she finally looked up, she gasped and started screaming. Oh dear, what did I just get myself into?

"Oh my goodness, you're John Mayer! Wait, isn't Katy supposed to be with you, aren't you getting married?" Her smile died down, "I don't know where she is right now, and as you can see, I'm having some trouble finding her."

"Oh don't worry, you'll find her. Just keeping asking people, Katy is like so famous right now, everyone knows her!" I thanked her and continued searching, seriously, that woman disappears fast!

Katy's P.O.V.

"You CHEATED ON ME!" I finally yelled in his face, after getting bombarded with questions for the past 10 minutes I finally gave in. He looked so surprised, how dare he pretend like he didn't do it, I saw it with my own eyes. "I never cheated on you, is that why you left me?"

"Yes, because you and other women were hooking up when I was away! I thought I was in so much love with you, but apparently my hopes were too high. You were my first boyfriend, and you broke my heart. Now you know why I didn't date for about 5 years after you, because I thought the world's men were all like you!"

"I never cheated on you fuck Katy!" He yelled pacing back and forth, we were in this isolated corner of LAX right now, it's so peaceful here. "Now you're cursing, see this is what I'm talking about! Why am I even here?" I said finally realizing where I was.

"Because I just saved your ass okay? The paparazzi were killing you, and I stepped in to save you." Oh he did not. "You're a fucking asshole. If you said you didn't cheat on me, then why were you and this other girl making out in your house that night?"

"I was drunk and she set me up, why didn't you even ask?" I was furious, I've never even been this mad at John before! "You're only 14 at that time, and you got drunk? I didn't ask you because you hurt me, you obviously never got hurt like that before, so you have no clue!"

"Don't ever get near me again, I'm warning you Robert. The other side of Katy Perry is not a pretty one, you don't want to get onto that side." I turned around to leave, but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back. "Kiss me." I laughed, "You can't be joking, seriously."

What is with me and men, why does this always happen between us somehow? Why can't this happen to some other woman, why me? "I'm engaged as you already know, you know there is no way to hell I'm kissing a bitch like you." He suddenly grabbed my waist.

"Let go of me!" I said squirming in his strong arms, "I'm going to kiss you Katy Perry, and there's no way out of it this time. Do you know how much pain you put me through when you just left? Thinking that I cheated on you when I didn't!" He yelled.

"Oh yeah, do you know how painful it was for me? I thought you were the one, but the way we ended things, was terrible! You didn't treasure me like John does, he sees something other than just Katy Perry and her body, he sees me for who I am! And you, how could I have been so stupid? All you wanted was just to kiss and have sex with me!"

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