Chapter 26: My beloved mother

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Author's note: So just a heads up, I'm entering the #Justwriteit contest and I'm going to submit a 10,000 word one-shot about this story, it's going to be called A Perfect Christmas.

So could you please notify your followers or your other Wattpad friends and tell them about this? I will publish this hopefully by Christmas, but I'm really worried since it's already Wednesday and I've still barely written 1,000 words.

It would mean a lot to me if you guys supported this story, so please pass on the word, thank you so much #Katycats!

Emily's P.O.V.

I stopped crying when I saw a bright light appear in front of me, it's now nighttime and to be honest, it's kind of creepy. The light actually turned into a human figure, I squinted my eyes being still half-asleep, trying to get a better image of what was going on here.

Then suddenly, a face that looked a lot like mom's appeared right in front of me. I slowly sat up straighter and realized that it was mom. My mother, standing right in front of me, either I'm hallucinating or I'm just dreaming. "Mom, is that really you or am I dreaming?" I asked softly.

She smiled sweetly, I noticed tears trickling down her cheeks. "No Emily, I'm in heaven right now, but the people let me see you." A cry escaped from me as I ran to hug her, but I ran right through her and rolled onto the other side of the jet. I'm actually seeing my mother right now, oh my goodness my mom, my beloved mother!

I fell to the ground crying, "Honey, you know that I am always going to love you right? I've been watching you everyday, and I'm very proud of you. You're such a strong girl." I smiled, "Mom, I want to hug you so badly!" She looked behind her and seconds later, another bright light shined and she actually appeared in real human form, not in the form of a ghost anymore.

I screamed as I ran into her awaiting arms, this feeling that I felt right now is indescribable, being in the arms of my mother that I lacked for 7 months straight. She rocked me gently yet tightly, running her hand through my golden locks. "Emily, please don't do this to yourself okay? I hate having to see you cry yourself to sleep every night."

I buried my head in the crook of her neck and continued to cry, I don't think I've cried this hard since I lost her. Even if I am dreaming right now, it'll be a dream I'm never going to forget. She squeezed me tighter, I felt so protected in her arms. I knew I'm never going to get hurt as long as she's beside me, but that's not going to last long.

"Shh baby, mommy's right here and I'm not leaving anytime soon. I'm here to protect you, I'm going to make you feel like you're the most special person in the entire world, because I love you and you're my daughter. I haven't had the chance to protect you when you were younger, and I made you feel isolated for 5 years when I left for tour."

I for the first time, looked into her eyes. She looked flawless, her face more perfect than any human being on Earth. "You never let me down mom, you have no clue how happy I am right now that you're here, just holding me. I've dreamed of having this moment for so many months and it finally came true, I still can't believe this."

Katy's P.O.V.

I couldn't hold it in anymore, I tried being strong in front of Emily, but my inner feelings are taking over. The harder I cried, the tighter I held onto her. I want to protect her and make her feel not alone, but I can't. And no one's there for her, she's all by herself.

I turned my head around and Mariah held up one finger, meaning that I have one minute left with my precious baby girl. So I quickly cupped her face and planted a kiss on her forehead, "Remember that I will always love you, I'm always going to be there for you whether I'm actually here or not. I'm going to watch you everyday and please, don't do stupid things okay?"

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