Chapter 13: Stars don't align

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John's P.O.V.

I can't believe this! Why can't she understand how much I've sacrificed for her? Just as I was about to leave the hotel, Tamra stopped me. "John, you have to stay..." She begged, "I'm not going to stay, she clearly doesn't want me anymore! I gave up my career for her and she still thinks that I don't love her enough, what the fuck?"

I'm so frustrated and mad, "She canceled your wedding!!" She finally screamed out, making me pause.  Sure I'm mad at her now, but I never, not even for one second thought about canceling our future.  I guess she really doesn't love me anymore.

I slowly turned around to face her, "She canceled our wedding, why would she do that?" I asked frightened, like a little child watching horror movies, "She didn't say why, but I'm pretty sure that if you go talk to her, things will be sorted out." She said calmly, how on earth is she calm right now?

"No, I'm not risking it again. I still love her, I'm just mad at her right now, that's all! If she's canceling our wedding, then...if that's what she wants, I'm happy with it." I started choking on my tears as I said goodbye, taking one last look at the hotel before climbing into the taxi, getting ready to go back on tour.

"Fuck!" I yelled throwing my fist into the seat, I just lost Katy...and Emily probably hates me now.

Katy's P.O.V.

I cried myself to sleep last night, and today, I'm really not feeling like doing anything. I just laid there, motionless, on the ground. Emily had come in a few times, but I just simply ignored her. I never once thought that John would hurt me, but I guess I was too wrong.

"Momma, please talk to me," Emily said with a shaky voice, I forced myself to sit up and look at her. She's all that I have left of John now, she's the last thing I have of him. I opened my arms and without a moment's of hesitation, she ran into them.

I just held onto her and cried, now thanks to me, Emily won't have a father to watch her grow up. "Baby I'm so sorry you had to see us fight, and I'm sorry I kept on ignoring you last night." I said continuing to sob, "Where did daddy go?" She asked softly.

"He's going back on tour, it's probably just going to be you and me from now on." Her small smile died down and she started silently crying, this is killing me. I couldn't do anything, because If I told her everything was going to be alright, it wouldn't be.

I just continued holding her, a soft knock at the door caused me to look up. Shannon was standing there, with Tam. Wait, what is Shannon doing here? They both looked very sad as well, Shannon slowly walked over and embraced me while Tam took Emily, who was still crying.

"Emily doesn't deserve this life, girls at her age should be laughing everyday, not crying. I thought I would be a good mother to her, and I thought I would be a good fiance! But both of those crashed within 5 minutes!" I cried grabbing fistfuls of her shirt as she rubbed my back.

"Remember when you were pregnant with Emily, and your divorce with Russell? You thought the world ended in both of those, you thought there was no way out. But remember just a few days ago, how happy you were? Why did you let this happen Kate, why?"

"Because it hurts for me to see him like that, blaming himself for something he had no control over! Then I didn't expect him to say that, I was the wrong person. I guess that's when I really got mad, I thought him and I would be forever. But I'm just Perry the leery now, I'm so stupid." I said throwing a pillow onto my face.

"No honey, you're not stupid, you just weren't thinking right." I looked up from my pillow with that are-you-serious look. "Really, that totally makes me feel better!" I said sarcastically, but she just rolled her eyes. "Anyways, what I'm trying to say is that you can't just let this get in the way of your relationship?"

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