Chapter 8: Ecstasy

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Katy's P.O.V.

We had finally arrived at the hotel after what seemed like eternity. We had reserved two rooms, well Tam reserved two rooms so John and I could have our privacy. "Okay you're going to go sleep with Tam tonight okay?" I said to Emily.

"Why can't I sleep with you mommy?" I heard John smirk as he planted a kiss on my neck, but I shoved him away reminding him that Emily was still there. "Because..." Yeah, why can't she sleep with me?

"Because your mommy and daddy are going to wrestle." Tam said picking her up, my eyes widened knowing what that meant. "Tam!" I scolded, but that just earned more laughter from her and John, and Brad, who had just come into the room. "They're going to wrestle here..."

Tam cut her off, "So you'll be sleeping with me tonight, because we want to give them all the space they need...oh and make sure your wrestling doesn't make too many noises, we're right next door." She laughed and ran out of the door just as I threw a pillow that way.

"We are so having a talk tomorrow!" I yelled shutting and locking the door, I love and hate her at the same time. John wrapped his arms around me from behind and picked me up. "Ah John!" I giggled as he threw me onto the bed gently and crawled on top of me. "Kate, I'm seriously so glad that I'm finally able to marry you and call you my wife."

I smiled and pulled his head down, "Baby I love you so much, I never want to leave your side ever again." He immediately smashed his lips against mine, deepening the kiss making me lean further into the bed. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and the only sound in the room was the smacking of our lips.

His hands traced my curves skillfully as he lifted my shirt off, the kiss grew more and more intense as we slowly undressed each other, leaving us only in our undergarments. "I love you so much babe." He said finally unhooking my bra after what seemed like eternity. A moan escaped my mouth as he trailed kisses down my toned stomach.

I ran my hand through his hair as he gently squeezed my breasts, "Oh John." I gasped when he pulled off my panties, leaving me naked. "Why do I have to be naked and you're still dressed?" I joked as he smirked, "Patience babe, we're getting there."

After kissing me for another few seconds, he removed his underwear, leaving both of us fully exposed. I started to blush, I haven't been this exposed for 8 years, and I haven't seen him this this either for such a long time. John put his hand on my chin and lifted it up so we were making eye contact.

"Kate, don't be embarrassed, remember that I've seen it all before." I gasped when I felt him enter into me, the pleasure suddenly overtaking my brain. I was at a lost of thoughts, this is exactly how I felt when we created Emily, she was created based on our pure love.

"Does it hurt sweetie?" He asked concerned, I shook my head and smiled. "No, it feels amazing, remember this isn't my first time." He placed his lips on mine as he quickened the pace, soon enough, we were both gasping and panting, sweat forming on our foreheads.

I'm sure that Tam is going to kill me tomorrow, but she can't blame me! John pulled out slowly and laid down next to me, wrapping his arms around my nude body, pulling me close to him. "That was exotic babe, I love you so much." He said kissing my lips.

I smiled and deepened the kiss, "When do you want to have the wedding?" I don't know, because I'm going on tour again tomorrow and it's going to be really busy from then on out. I'm barely going to have any days to myself, "Whenever you want to Kate, don't feel rushed, because I know your tour is beginning again."

I just continued to smile at him, "John, no matter how busy my schedule is, I still want to marry you as soon as possible. How about in two weeks, that's one of my 3 day breaks, we could get married there!" I said happily as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his warm embrace. "I love you so fucking much babe, are you sure you want to get married to Mayer the Player?" My mouth fell open, how could he do this to himself?

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