Chapter 32: Unconditionally

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Katy's P.O.V.

This can't be happening, how could I have been so stupid, and for a whole year? I stood up slowly, never having my eyes leave the screen in front of me. Emily continued crying on the ground, "Emily, we were wrong the entire time, and worse, I should have known. Known that he never would have left us."

She stood up and took the phone out of my hands, "Why do bad things always happen to good people, this isn't fair!" I buried my head into my palms, can't stop thinking about how stupid I've been...

"But if he were to be kidnapped, wouldn't it have been all over the news definitely by now? And how can you just trust an Instagram post Emily!" I said annoyed, "Because it was posted under his name, under John Mayer's profile and it has that little blue check mark next to it!"

"Emily, you're 16 years's not that hard to figure out a password and username, there's technology and it's so easy to do that nowadays." She looked like as if I had just slapped her, real hard. "Why don't you believe me, I'm just trying to figure out what happened to dad!"

"Well so am I, but this is too vague, it's going to be impossible. It's been a whole year Emily, a lifetime wouldn't make much of a difference anyways." Her mouth dropped, "A..are you giving up hope? Do you not want to find him, you know what!"

She threw her phone down and stood up, facing me. "You've taken my dad away from me for more than 5 years, and I've allowed it and respected it. But now that life is finally getting a little better, something like this happens again and you want to take him away from me again, just because you don't wanna see him doesn't mean I don't want to. He's my father, without him, I wouldn't be here today."

And with that, she jumped out of her window. Okay first things first, we're fixing that window like Harry Potter's uncle did to his window in the second book, I'm seriously thinking about doing that as well, trapping her inside.

"Emily, would you give me some damn respect! All you've been doing for the past months are just arguing with me!" I yelled through the window, great, this is exactly when the paparazzi have to show up.

"Fine, if you can bring back dad right now, then I'll give you all the respect you could ever want in life! But no, you're against doing that so why would I listen to you anymore?" She yelled back, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration probably.

"Because I'm a single mother...I've" I was cut off by her laughing, "Oh really, I was raised for 8 years by Amy. Then you found me and you and dad raised me for a year before you left me for another 5 years! Shannon was the one who raised me, not you. She raised me for a whole 5 years while you just cared for you and your stupid no good career, leaving me at home all alone each day wanting to see you, but you never showed up. The few days you came back we would always argue, it's like you were never there in my life! So don't you dare try and take away this happiness I might have of finding him, I would sacrifice myself for him, but for you, never."

The flashes stopped when she said that last sentence, the ground started spinning, but I forced myself to not faint this time. Because this is exactly how I died last time, brain hemorrhage then hitting the edge of the stage on the way down definitely finished me.

I shut the windows as the flashings continued, and just then, my phone started ringing. It was from Shannon, I'm so angry that you could see air coming out of my ears, like those in the fairy tale characters.

K: What do you want?

S: What is going on between you and Emily?

K: What do you mean?

S: Did you and her just have a fight at Emily's window a few seconds ago, well, every single word she said has just been on the headlines!

K: Stupid paparazzi...

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