Chapter 24: Through the Years

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Emily's P.O.V.

Well, today's the day of the audition. My entire career is depending on this three minute audition, I've practiced numerous times with dad and Shannon and I think, and know, that I'm ready. I'm currently backstage standing next to them and I'm up in 30 seconds, the butterflies just keep getting worse by the second, you know what I mean.

"Hey honey, you're going to do great. Just think about how proud your mother would have been to see you chasing your dreams, okay?" I nodded, I reminded myself to not cry because of all the makeup I'm wearing, but Shannon made sure I wore waterproof because this song is going to make me cry, I just know it.

The backstage manager came backstage and signaled for me to follow him, it's time, there's no turning back now. "Break a leg up there kiddo, don't be nervous!" Shannon yelled as I followed the dude, he handed me a microphone and switched it on for me as I walked onstage.

I can't believe this is actually happening, I can't believe I'm actually auditioning for the X-factor, this is like the biggest deal ever! I smiled when I saw my favorite judge, Cheryl Cole. Next to her sat Louis, Simon and Mel B, this is going to be awesome! Cheryl's eyes widened when she saw me, same with the other judges.

"Hey sweetie, let me guess, you're Emily Hudson, Katy Perry's daughter?" I smiled weakly taking deep breaths, show them the real you Emily, you can pull through the next 5 minutes! Her expression softened when she saw me trying to hold back tears.

"So Emily, what brought you here today?" Simon asked, I'm so nervous when I talk to him, I don't know why. I straightened my posture and put on a real smile, this is my personal problem, they don't need to get involved. "I once told my mother that I wanted to become a singer when I grew up, I actually planned to audition next year, but I had promised my mom that I would become just like her. So I hope that this can mean something to her, if I can get into Hollywood, she would have wanted this for me."

Surprisingly, I didn't cry, which is amazing. He nodded and I looked at Mel, who just stayed quiet, I wonder what's up with her. "Thank you for sharing that with us, what are you going to be singing today?" Louis asked, "I will be singing Through the Years by Kenny Rogers."

They nodded and soon enough, the music started.

I can't remember when you weren't there

When I didn't care for anyone but you

I swear we've been through everything there is

Can't imagine anything we've missed

Can't imagine anything the two of us can't do

Through the years

You've never let me down

You turned my life around

The sweetest days I've found

I've found with you

Through the years

I've never been afraid

I've loved the life we've made

And I'm so glad I stayed

Right here with you

Through the years

Tears streamed down my face when I sung that part, and by now, I'm actually thankful that Shannon applied waterproof on me, that woman does have a brain sometimes. I glanced over at Cheryl, who was in tears, I'm guessing Katy meant a lot to her as well. What's even more surprising is that Simon was tearing up as well, oh wow I'm powerful!

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