Chapter 27: Now and forever

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Katy's P.O.V.

"A boy tried raping me..."

No words were exchanged between us for the rest of the ride, because no words were needed to be said. I know what I'm going to do to that boy, he tried taking advantage of my daughter because her mother is dead. Well haha, let's see how he likes seeing Katy Perry in person!

"What are you going to do, mom?" I'm not replying to her, there's nothing that can calm me down right now. I'm going to personally put that boy in jail today, if not, then don't call me Katy Perry.

We arrived at the school and I paid the driver before grabbing Emily's arm and dragging her out of the taxi, she knew this wasn't going to be pretty, whatever it is I'm about to do. So I crouched down next to her, "Sweetheart, you're my baby girl. You're my only baby girl, that's why I never had a child with Russell, I felt like I'd be replacing you. So I'd rather have a divorce than harm you, you're my entire world. I want you to feel protected, no one should do that to you, and they're going to pay in the worst way possible."

She nodded and I kissed her tears away before taking her hand, "Let's go, sweetie." She took a deep breath before we walked into the office, school is still in session, and I'm going to have to question Emily more afterwards about why she's not going to school, even though the answer is quite obvious.

The lady at the front desk gasped and dropped her coffee cup, I told Emily to sit at one of the chairs and just wait. And of course, that's after I made her give me the name of the boy and grade. "You're alive, am I dreaming?" She said, more to herself than to me.

I chuckled slightly, "I'm here to talk to the principal, this is a serious situation and this has to be taken care of before I leave today." I said seriously, with deadly cold eyes. Her eyes widened and nodded, leading me to the principal's office. Emily's really going to be famous after today.

The principal looked up from his desk and the lady left after explaining, closing the door gently. "Ms. Perry, you're back?" He asked strangely, I nodded and sat down, facing him. "Yes I am, and I'm here for a very serious reason, because of Emily."

"How can I help you?" Don't be so cheerful, you won't be long. "When I was dead, Mike Stevens, grade 10, tried raping my daughter, Emily Hudson." His eyes widened and his breathing quickened. "How do you think a mother would feel to hear that, that her daughter almost got raped because her mother died."

The more I talked, the angrier I got. "I found out by pushing Emily to tell me, I've let her down as a child but I'm not going to let her down as a teenager. I'm stepping up for her now because she's my daughter, and I will do anything I can to protect her. So you're going to pull this Mike out of his class and come here so I can have a little chat with him, or I'm going to search every damn classroom until I find him myself, your choice." I threatened.

He looked like he didn't want to do it, so I stood up and headed towards the door. "Wait Ms. Perry, I will write him a slip right now." I faked a smile and sat back down, "Don't worry, I won't hurt him, physically." He quickly looked back down, knowing to not try me right now.

A few minutes later, a boy with dirty blonde hair appeared, he's a bit shorter than me. That's when thoughts actually ran through my brain, what if they actually got naked, but he didn't get to actually rape her, which is definitely a relief.

His eyes widened when he saw me, then he turned around and tried to run out of the door. "Mike, sit down, I think Ms. Perry would like to talk to you." The principal said, before leaving the room, leaving the two of us alone. My eyes were full of anger, and his eyes were full of fear, oh so now he's scared?

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