Chapter 7: This moment

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John's P.O.V.

Tonight, it's tonight. I'm going to ask Katy to marry me, her whole entire crew knows about this. They are going to raise me onto the stage when Katy is doing her little Prism talk about halfway up the show, you have no clue how nervous I am right now.

Emily was in my arms and Todd was brushing the final touches of her makeup on, she looked so beautiful. Her hair was pulled up into a very high and tight ponytail, and her chic top with the matching silver glowing skirt. "Daddy, I'm hungry, they didn't bring me to dinner." She whined.

"Oh my goodness I forgot to feed my own daughter! Here, I think Tam bought you a little something extra from Starbucks, knowing that none of us would have time to feed you." I walked over to her bag and pulled out a little mini muffin, wow, she bought it in the morning.

But Emily didn't seem to care, I set her down on one of the chairs. "Emily stay right here and eat okay, I'm going to go see how your mother is doing alright?" She nodded without looking at me and just dug right in, this is exactly what happens when you give children food, they don't recognize their own parents anymore.

I chuckled as I walked over to Katy, who was ready to be entered on stage. I could hear her name being yelled by the thousands of people out there tonight, this was going to be truly magical. "Baby, break a leg up there." I said planting a kiss on her lips.

"You're not helping John, you're making me want you so badly right now, but seriously, right before a show, god you're on my nerves." She said before kissing me again, "Katy Perry up stage right now, hurry." The director said as Katy was dragged away from me, and just like that, she was onstage and Roar fired away.

Tam started squealing as she smacked me with her hands, "Ow Tam!" This was so not like her, "I'm so happy for you, you're going to ask Katy to marry you tonight! And in front of thousands of people, wow you sure have some guts!" I smiled, I knew Katy wasn't going to turn me down, but even if she did, I would wait, I would wait forever if I had to.

I loved Katy with all my heart, I've hurt her too much. She had to go through 9 months of pregnancy all by herself, who knew if her parents approved or not? She suffered so much, I don't know what I was thinking when I left her. I sighed and looked up, trying to blink the tears away from my eyes, I'm determined to make it up to her, I have no excuse.

I wanted the world to know that Katy was mine, and that if anyone tried to harm her, they were going to be worse than burnt toast. "Yeah, I really hope this goes well." As the show progressed, Emily eventually fell asleep and Tamra took her aside as I pulled the velvet box out of my pocket.

I immediately shoved it back into my pocket when Katy was lowered downstage, this is it, she's going to change into the Prism dress, my favorite costume of hers. She was in such a rush that she didn't even notice me, and I was standing right beside her!

Bradford helped her put on her wig, "You look so beautiful honey." She gasped when she saw me, probably not expecting me to be there. She started blushing, "Everything about you is so perfect, why are you so perfect?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her.

"Because I have you to guide me, where would I be without you?" I placed one very emotional kiss onto her lips, and I could feel her beginning to tear up. "Hey hey hey, you don't want to ruin that makeup do you? Now go up there and kick some ass, I'll be waiting right here for you okay?"

She nodded and left, everyone winked at me, and I knew I was going up there in 2 minutes.

Katy's P.O.V.

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