Chapter 5: Worst to best

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John's P.O.V.

The ambulance was waiting outside of the house, so I gave Emily over to one of the nurses, who strapped her onto a gurney and wheeled her into the ambulance. I was just about to climb on when I realized that Katy was with me, oh my god Katy wasn't with me!

"Sir, we need to get going, either get on now or find another way to get to the hospital." I couldn't leave Emily, but Katy might be in real danger. "Will you guys make sure Emily will be okay? Because my girlfriend is still inside his house and I'm worried."

"She will be fine, we are adults and we have kids of our own, go save your girlfriend." I thanked her before running towards the door, "John!" I turned around to see Katy's entire crew running up behind me. I was so relieved to see them, I wouldn't have to face Russell alone.

"Tam is in the ambulance with Emily, so she'll be fine. It's all over social media right now, the Katycats have gone viral! They are so worried about her safety, bust this door open." Bradford said as I kicked it open after a few tries. "Katy, where are you?" My eyes scanned the room, nothing.

Panic rushed through my body thinking of the possibilities, how could I have been so careless and just left her behind? I ran up the stairs and followed the screams, which led to a bedroom. Oh my goodness, what if

I forced the door open and found Katy under Russell, but they weren't naked. She was screaming as he attacked her with kisses, I let out a horrified scream catching both their attention as I stormed over and kicked him off of her. I started beating the shit out of him, how dare he touch my girlfriend like that?!

I had blood on my knuckles as I continued to punch him, Brad eventually pulled me away from him. I took 5 deep breaths before walking over to Katy, who was just laying on the bed, without any emotion or words. I sat on the edge of the bed and just looked down at her, I felt so guilty right now, if I had just watched her better, then she wouldn't be going through all this right now.

Katy's P.O.V.

I just laid there motionless, I couldn't do anything, not after what he did to me. What could be worse than being raped by your ex-husband, exactly my point. We didn't get naked or anything, but just him being on top of me again was bad enough.

Brad had just pulled John off by force, I couldn't even cry right now, I was just so numb. John came over and sat on the side of the bed, the bed where Russell and I first made love, the bed that we slept together for 14 months...all just ended by a text.

"Katy, sweetie I'm so sorry...this is all my fault. You had to go through this again, if only I paid more attention, none of this would have happened." I slowly turned my head to face him, my eyes were beginning to water. "John, where's Emily?" I asked breathlessly.

"She's in the ambulance with Tamra, they are headed to the nearest hospital, they say she's going to be okay." As long as my precious baby was okay, I'm okay. I love her more than I love myself forever. John had just shown off his inner animal to protect me.

"Did he hurt you anywhere Kate?" I shook my head and started crying, "Baby, I'm so sorry." He wrapped his arms around my body and pulled me close, why did he still treat me as If I was still a baby? I guess that's one of the many things I love about him.

"Katy, I'm not leaving your site anymore...ever again. I'm going to protect you from all the harshness of reality, you're not going to go through anymore of what you went through today ever again, that's a promise I will never break." I smiled, "Let's go see Emily, can we?" I asked.

"Of course we can, I'm sure they're already at the hospital now." He carried me bridal style, making me giggle. How fast my mood can change with this man, he can make me depressed to happy within seconds, he's a miracle worker let's be honest.

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