2. A walk in the beach gone bad *

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Here is chapter 2. Thanks for reading.

"Honey, can you come down here please?" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I knew better than to say no. She was already yelling loudly at the top of her lungs, knowing I wouldn't be listening.

"Coming!" I yelled back getting off my bed, running down the hall to the stairs. I stopped at the top of the stairs looking at my mom dressed in her pencil skirt along with a white fancy shirt tucked in. She always managed to look sophisticated anytime of the day. Along with my dad who wore suits all the time.

She hadn't noticed me coming down the stairs because of her phone. Always with her phone, then with her daughter.

I cleared my throat getting her attention.

"Amily, this weekend we are going to the Jackson's house for dinner. I want you to be in your best behavior." Who are the Jackson's? I didn't bothered to ask because my mom would say I was being rude for asking. Like I'm supposed to know everyone.

"Yes, mother." I said even though she was back to typing on her phone. I started my way up the stairs dreading ever coming down. I didn't want to go to anyone's house. My mom would have me wear a dress and put some make up. That's not all she would have me talk to the guys if there were any.

"Amily, stand up straight." She screamed at me. I was surprised she even took the time to scream at me. I stood up straight nonetheless.

There wasn't really a time when I would please my parents on the way I looked or dressed. I always got told that if I wore make-up or dressed nicely, I would look prettier. I did the opposite and dressed like a tomboy.

I changed out of my pjs into some shorts and a random black band shirt. I hurried to put my blue converse on, before someone saw me climbing down the side of the house. I didn't want to be seen. Something I've done since my parents decide to have a say in the way I am. I probably wouldn't have let me walk out the house dressed like this. I would never get along with my stuck up parents.

I ran to the beach far away from my parents. I've always wondered if I was adopted or just switched at birth.

I hated all of this from the big house that was practically a mansion to my life. Was is necessary to have two pools? The amount of rooms the house has is unbelievable. It's only three of us and we only use two.

I've thought about just running away, but I didn't exactly know where. I often sit alone in my room crying, wishing for a better life or just no life at all. I don't even have to worry about my parents walking in on me crying because they don't care. I really hate my life. Trading life's with someone sounds amazing right now.

I arrive at the beach feeling as my shoes sink in the sand. I begin kicking it and wanting to feel it as it goes through my toes. I instantly take my converse off and hold them in my arms.

I traced my name in the sand before erasing it seconds later. The California weather feels nice today of all days. The clouds in the sky begin to look like creatures the longer you look at them.

I look around the beach seeing no one for once. It's only 11 am as well. I don't think many people are even up at that time on a Saturday.

I forgot to bring a towel to lay on but at this point I don't really care. I end up laying down directly on the sand, knowing it would stick to me. Plugging my headphones into my iPhone I begin to sing the first song that comes which happens to be When She Cries by Britt Nicole. Singing has been my safe haven lately.

"You know you sing really beautiful, but I would choose another song than that one." I heard someone say as the song ended. I opened my eyes instantly coming face to face with the guy that had met at the bookstore a few days ago. I noticed his wet hair. He was here the whole time?

He was too close for my liking. I tried getting up but we ended up head butting each other. We both winced in pain.

I hurried to brush the sand off of me.

"What's wrong with you showing up uninvited?" I screamed at him.

"Don't I at least get a sorry for hitting my hurt eye. It was already starting to fade away." He held his hand over his already hurt eye. I felt a little bad. Just a little because he's the one who was too close.

"It wouldn't have happened if you didn't sneak up on me and scared me." I pointed a finger at him.

"I knew if I came up to you would probably run away from me and stop singing."

"Better then stalking me." I said crossing my arms.

"I was not stalking you." He replied instantly.

"Was to."

"Was not."

"Than what were you doing?" I said before he could say was not again. He had his mouth open ready to too. He closed it thinking about what to say.

"I went surfing then was leaving. I thought I left something, and looked back to see you sitting there. I hide in the bushes so you would not see me." He said justifying himself.

"That's considered stalking in my world." I said making air quotes on stalking. He rolled his eyes at me. This would be the second time he has sneaked up at me.

"Whatever, umm bookworm." I noticed him struggling to find a name to call me.

"Don't call me that." I didn't like it at all. 

"Why not?"

"Because I have a name."

"And what's your name?" He asked. I contemplated on whether to tell him or not. It's not like I would see him again.

"You tell me yours first." I replied. He looked at me with a dumbfounded expression.

"You don't know my name?" He it said as if he was offended that I didn't know his name. Was I suppose to know his name? What if he's a delinquent? Is he wanted by the police?

"No. Let's leave it at that." He frowned. I started to walk away. I had already spent too much time than expected.

"Wait! So you aren't going to tell me yours?" His fingers circled my small arm, making me more alert.

"Nope. If you want to know so bad, figure it out." I pulled my arm back, turning back to head home.

"You'll have to do the same too!" He yelled. I looked over my shoulder, seeing him waving at me with a smirk on his face. I waved bye back.

I felt much better as I walked home. I didn't know if it was because of walking on the beach or the fact that a guy talked to me. I didn't even know his name. Had I really not noticed him in school? I hadn't either. We're from two different worlds. 

How come I felt like they were colliding?

Thanks for reading. I loaf you and Oh My Josh!! Thanks for reading. If you like follow and vote and comment. Right now this story may not be that good but i am just setting the plot of the story.

Thanks loaf you!!


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