30. More Lame Partys

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"Sweety. Wake up." Mom said, as she shoke me. I opened my eyes and saw her. She was dressed in her usual cloth, fancy. A smile plastered on her face.

"Is there a reason to what you're waking me up at," I looked at me clock ," 8:24 o'clock in the morning?"

"There's going to be a huge party and we are invited." Great a party. A party that I would be asked to dance, with a guy with poor dancing skills or one that simply is a show off.

"What time?" I sat up rubbing my eyes. The light of the sun wasn't helping either.

"5 o'clock." I signed, and let myself fall back to the bed. I could of slept more, but no my mom needs to get up at five. I sometimes think she doesn't sleep at all. With her life as it is, I would want to sleep once in awhile.

"You didn't have to wake me up this early."

"Of course I did. Now get up so you can eat some breakfast. I have to go too, be ready by than." She was already dressed. I didn't see the point of her changing. She closed the door as she left and again I was left alone. There was no point in going back to sleep, when I have been woken up. I would love the day when my mom quits waking me up for no reason. Partys are not one for sure.

There was a knock on the balcony door. I jumped up and opened it. I knew who it was, Aiden stood outside with a beanie on. He didn't have to try, he was just plain gorgeous. I smiled and pulled him inside.

"Morning." I said, taking his beanie off and adjusted it to my head. I looked into the mirror. I looked to much better in it than him. I knew I was lying to myself.

"I saw your mom." He sat on the bed crossing his legs. I managed to clean a bit. The room looked a bit tidy, but not enough. The room can wait.

"Yeah. She is making me go to a party." He looked up at me and his expression changed. I am not fond of party's either.

"Well they invited all of us. I am not going alone if you were worried about that." I said sitting beside him.

"Still, boys will be there and I won't. With those dresses you wear, there's not telling what kind of perv will talk to you." He was clearly worried and angry. I haven't let that happened and I won't ever.

"It's not like I want to wear them." Their dresses my mom gives me to wear. It's not like I what sparkles on them, making people notice me.

"Well than don't wear them." I wish it was that easy. My mom's head would explode if she saw me wear skinny jeans and converse.

"I Wish. What do you want to do for the remainder of time?" I asked, grabbing cloth to wear.


YES! I am sorry for not updated in a million years.....I don't even have an excuse;_; well there was school, writersblock of course and other things...

Read my other Stories!!! Please:)


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